Chapter 45 🌙

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My tired red eyes follow the falling junchuriki's body, and when it finally hits the ground with a sickening 'thud' I don't react in the slightest. I'm too accustomed to that sound now. I stare at her corpse as it now lays motionless on the floor, her long blonde hair is sprawled out all over her face and the paling of her skin shows that she truly is dead.

I can't find it in me to look away from her, I find it sickening within myself that I don't feel an ounce of guilt. Does she have a family that will miss her? Friends and acquaintances? I also can't find it in me to care, she's gone anyways, who am I to ponder about the repercussions?

"Now the two tails has been sealed as well. Only four more to go." Pein says, opening his eyes to reveal the creepy yet intriguing rinnegan. "You are dismissed." He finally says.

I still stay sitting down on my podium as I stare at the young girl's corpse although I begin to listen to everyone around me. "Finally!" Hidan exclaims, standing up from his crouched position with a wide smirk.

"We're going to the hidden leaf village Hidan." Kakuzu strictly instructs, wiping Hidan's smirk off his face. This grabs Deidara's attention as he turns to the zombie duo. "The Leaf village Un?" Deidara questions, I also look up and arch a brow in the duos direction.

Haven't they done enough?

"Kakuzu, Hidan, if you're really headed for the leaf I'll give you a word of warning. There's a guy there named Uzumaki Naruto who's a jinchuriki. Be careful if you see him un." Deidara advises. I sigh heavily and run a hand through my hair, pushing the long strands out of my face.

I've been given no time to grieve, literally going from a heartache to a full blown mental breakdown at the news of Asuma's death while sitting a few feet away from his killers, and now they decide to talk about my former comrade who they're planning on brutally killing as well. Inevitably with my assistance involved.

Asuma's death hasn't even processed fully, I feel like its not real even though it most likely is. And to sit here for three whole days while my inner demons eat my brain out is not the most pleasant way to mourn. Not at all.

Hidan smirks when he hears Deidara say this. "Oh is that right? So says the little weakling who failed so miserably and had to have his own arm reattached by Kakuzu!" He says, pointing a finger teasingly at the bomber besides me.

Kakuzu, done with Hidans antics, turns to him with narrowerd eyes. "Better losing an arm than his head." He says. Hidan looks over at his partner in annoyance. "WHAT? Hey Kakuzu whose side are you on anyway?! I thought we were partners; partners are supposed to-!"

"Shut up Hidan." Kakuzu orders for what seems to be the millionth time. Hidan glares at Kakuzu but then turns to me. "Hey princess you must know the guy Deidara's talking about. Why don't you fucking tell us about it?"

"Hidan, don't call me princess. And no, I won't be talking to you." I murmur darkly as I glare at him. As much as I get headaches when I'm around Hidan, I can't say I hate him. He killed a man that I was close to in my past, but I don't hate him. I cant blame him for doing something that anyone else in this room would've done. As hard as that is.

He puts his hands on his hips and narrows his eyes at me "Well what's got your ass twisted? Is it that Uchiha pest again? Or were you friends with that nine tailed heathen? Or is it the bounty guy from the leaf. Oh no wait. . don't tell me. . Are you actually pissed about that?!" Hidan says, only managing to make me angrier.

"If you were in front of my face you'd be dead, I don't care how immortal you are." I seethe, great. Now he brings Sasuke into this mess as well. It's a triple wammy.

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