Chapter 48 🌙

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"Sasuke what if we get caught? Then what will I do?" I ask as I lean my head against his shoulder. We're both currently in our favorite hideout spot sitting on a log from a fallen tree as I play around with the water from a nearby lake, morphing the water into playful shapes and figures.

"You don't have to worry about that." He tells me as he plays with my hair, like always.

"You can't just say that though! Even if you were still apart of the leaf village this would be illegal." I say, frowning at the thought of such a ridiculous law.

The same law that prohibited my parents from ever getting together in the first place.

He stays silent after I say this, and I don't blame him. I let all my figurines made out of water fall back into the lake as I turn to him, putting my palms on his cheeks and forcing him to stare back at me.

"Hey I don't care about that stupid law okay? If anything happens I'll always be able to come back to you. Right?" I ask, tilting my head the slightest bit.

That law had been putting a strain on our relationship for quite some time now since it was always in the back of my mind. Since I was looking into the future of our relationship, I would always worry on how it would result.

But I realize that I need to live in the moment and not worry about the leaf village, I could be gone a couple more years and the only people who'd actually care consist of Tsunade, Kakashi, and Team Ten.

Sasuke stares at me, as if he's debating on how to answer. "Yeah, if you're ever in trouble just come to me. I'll help you. I promise." He tells me before pulling my closer in his arms to my own surprise.

Why is he being so cuddly?!

I narrow my eyes at his behavior and pull back the slightest bit to look at him "Are you okay? You seem. . . Extra close today." I tell him, genuinely concerned. Sasuke silently nods and this time forcefully pulls me back to his chest where I comply and wrap my arms around his neck. "Yeah we're fine."

I furrow my eyebrows at his strange choice of words. Doesn't he mean he'll be fine? Why's he taking about 'we'? Of course we'll be fine!

Little did I know that he was going to break my heart less than a month later.

••Flashback ends••

My unborn child as killed because of Orochimaru's actions, he nearly killed me as well. He practically ruined my life by inhibiting me from fulfilling my goals, used my intense fear of needles against me which effectively traumatized me for a month or so, and left me paralyzed.

Yet Sasuke, who claimed that he loved me and would always protect me on multiple occasions, stayed with Orochimaru in order to finalize his training and kill his brother.

Sasuke knowingly trained under the man who killed his unborn kid. And if Sasuke loved me so damn much, I don't understand how he would stay under the tutelage of Orochimaru who nearly ended my life.

Sasuke hurt me like I never thought he would by doing so. I don't care if he killed Orochimaru, he killed him for his own selfish reasons. Not because of anything Orochimaru did to his unborn child and myself.

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