Chapter 62 🌙

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••In the Tundra of Urufumun••

A smile creeps onto my face as I take my first step into the tundra, my second home, my escape place. The crisp winter air wraps around my body like a blanket as I stand perfectly still, analyzing my surroundings.

Well, its always winter here anyways.

My red eyes fall upon the miles and miles of barren snowy land until I look to the horizon where I see the mountain range. The snow topped mountains pierce through the night sky to which I smile even more, I'm going to see the wolves again! Oh how I've longed to see them, they're like my family after all.

"Don't you think its too cold out to literally be wearing nothing?" a voice says right behind me, surprising the living hell out of me. I jump only slightly and whirl around on my heel, only to see my two sensei's.

"Hikaru! Hideo!" I practically squeal in excitement, dropping down on my knees and forcefully pulling them both into tight hugs. Hikaru, the jollier and happier of the two received my hug excitedly while Hideo, the brother dressed in blue, grumpily stands there as I squish him half to death.

"I missed you both so much!" I say, finally letting go of them and letting a genuine smile spread across my face. Hikaru smiles, sitting down right in front of me. "Your hair!its. . . . Different?" He says quite awkwardly, not knowing how to address it.

I roll my eyes playfully at him "yeah it's quite the change from thigh length hair." I respond. Hikaru quickly nods and stares at me, analyzing every bit and piece. "So you like the hair?" He asks making me sweat drop.

"I consider its length to be a battle scar. Trust me, it'll grow back to its original length as soon as possible." I respond.

He suddenly sits up and sniffs the air till his gaze lands on myself. "Please don't tell me you're back with the lovely Uchiha?" He asks, still awkwardly smiling. I frown, wondering how on earth he would know that until it hits me.

He's a wolf Haru, his sense of smell is amazing, you literally haven't separated from Sasuke in the last three days, how wouldn't he know?

"Not that I would mind! But you know, mr.grumpy over here certainly would." Hikaru says, murmuring the last part and not so discreetly nudging his head over to where his brother is standing.

I softly smile at him, raising my hand to ruffle his thick coat of fur. Hikaru was always the more understanding wolf, I would keep him updated on my relationship with Sasuke all the time because 1) he was extremely emotionally invested and 2) he's been waiting for five hundred years to see an Uchiha and Senju get together.


Hideo on the the other hand is not so supportive. Sasuke could literally be hokage and Hideo would still hate him. I suppose thats how his ancient mind works with his deep rooted hate for all Uchiha.

Then again, I do agree on Uchiha's being intolerably stupid and infuriating and hard to look at and-

Why am I even dating Sasuke again?

"So what brings you around? We expected you much earlier than this." Hikaru says, changing the subject when he realizes I'm falling into a deep thought.

I snap out of it and look at him with wide eyes. "Do you guys know. . . Anything that's happened these last couple of months?" I ask, my voice becoming much more quiet than before. It suddenly hit me, Isao isn't here, he's gone! And now that I'm here, we may have to hold a memorial! Hikaru's smile drops, seriousness overcoming his features and Hideo, well he looks as stoic as ever.

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