Chapter 18 🌙

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It's been a while since we started the mission, but so far all we've done is walk in an awkward silence. I mean seriously.

I'm mad at Sakura who's mad at me while Naruto is defending her, Naruto doesn't like Sai at all who doesn't care, and Yamato sensei is just awkwardly walking ahead of us.

It seems like Sai has had enough of Naruto's staring as he looks in our direction with a smile. "What is it? Please don't look at me. I'll pound you." He calmly says with zero emotion in his tone. I nearly choke on the water I'm drinking in surprise.

How does one say such things with such a straight face? I almost always arch an eyebrow when I say something, even when I'm trying to be monotone.

"You tick me off with everything you say!" Naruto rages with his fist in the air. I deadpan at the two and look ahead, ignoring the small banter that's forming. I really do love Naruto, but he's quite the drama queen.

"This won't do at all!" Naruto complains, he stops walking effectively stopping the rest of us from moving. I stuff my hands in the pockets of my cloak and lean my head to the side. "Hey! hey! Don't act like that in front of your captain Naruto. I'm sure Kakashi taught you that trust and teamwork are most important to a team. You were on the same team as the great Kakashi, what's the problem?" Yamato sensei lectures.

Naruto fiercely points a finger at Sai "He's not a member of Team Kakashi! The other member of team Kakashi is Sasuke! This guy was just chosen to cover the loss of Sasuke. I don't acknowledge him as a team member!" Naruto exasperates.

I scoff at that behind Yamato sensei "To be honest I'm surprised you consider me apart of this team too." I say under my breath. Luckily Naruto didn't hear me though.

"Well, thats actually easier for me. He betrayed the leaf and ran off to serve Orochimaru. I don't want to be lumped together with a cockroach along the same lines as Orochimaru." Sai replies. My jaw drops and I clap my hands with a smile.

"Sai my dude I just think you're getting better and  better!" I laugh as I approach the artist ninja. "I mean seriously, I love people who use their brains!" I say, taking a indirect jab at Naruto and Sakura. Naruto's rage seems to be fueled by this as he angrily points a finger at me.

"What the hell Haru! Why are you siding with him when he's insulting Sasuke like that?! You should be standing by your own team not that guy!" Naruto complains. I arch a brow at the blonde.

"Naruto, You know I love you but now you're sounding just as illogical as Sakura. I understand that you are hell bent on having Sasuke return to the village but I want to fact check you. Sasuke left the village, sources tell me he nearly killed you, and he joined the man who killed the third hokage."

I pause and smile at the pinkette. "Sakura honey I want you to listen as well, this applies to you. I sincerely doubt that after these three grueling years Sasuke is thinking about either one of you. Hell, both of your goals are based on someone who doesn't give a shit about you."

I stop and take a deep breath smiling unpleasantly at the faces of my two delusional teammates.

"If I were to be completely honest here then I would say that in Sasuke's mind you two are probably pests that are getting in the way of his goal. Hell, so am I. Now I know my words are probably hurting the both of you, and you two are going to deny this wholeheartedly, but please listen when I say you two are being pathetic and need a grip on reality." I calmly and collectedly say.

Naruto's jaw drops at me and Sakura looks to be in a mix between sad, confused, angry, and all in between. I turn to Sai and smile "Sorry about them, I forgot they have tendencies of being less than smart." I dismiss, Sai smiling in response.

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