Chapter 10 🌙

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"We're going to take a break here." Kakashi sensei states, stopping abruptly as the sun starts to set. Naruto, obviously frustrated, runs up to sensei. "Why?! You're the one who said we don't have time! If we waste time here Gaara might. . .You know!"

I sigh and place a hand on Naruto's shoulder "The three of us wasted a good amount of chakra against Itachi. If we were to run into battle with more of those guys, which I assume there will be, that means we'll be running into big trouble." I reason.

"Haru's right. Plus, our bodies slowed down significantly after the fight. If we take a break now then the trip will be faster." Kakashi sensei agrees, Sakura nodding as well. I frown at the dissapointed look on Naruto's face.

I turn to the barren patch of ground between all the trees. "This is perfect!" I smile as I clasp my hands together making a series. "Four pillar house technique!" I slam my hand on the ground and watch with pride as a beautiful wooden house erupts from the ground, two floors and everything!

"What the? Haru since when could you make houses?" Naruto asks, staring at the cozy looking house I created. I shrug and walk forwards, my team following behind. "Uh sorry guys, I only made three rooms. I know it's pretty small and all but-"

"Haru on mission's it's not really a regular thing to sleep under a roof so this will do just fine." Kakashi sensei smiles, patting my head as he walks inside. Sakura sweat drops as she plays around in the kitchen. "Uh I understand the wood part, but how did you manage to get full plumbing?"

I close my eyes at this "Don't question it, just accept it."

"I never thought I would see a wood style user in action right in front of me." The old woman Chiyo mutters to herself, looking around the inside of the cozy home that I made for us. I nod awkwardly "Yeah a lot of people don't think they'll ever see it."

"Aren't you like. . . The only person alive with that kekkei genkai?" Sakura asks now sitting down on the sleeping bag that she spread out. I shake my head "Kinda? I don't know I'm the only person who was born with it that I know of. One of my sensei's, Tenzo sensei, he has wood kekkei genkai because of some crazy experiment thing." I say not wanting to get into too much detail about my other sensei's back story.

"And he's who you train your wood style with?" She asks to which I shake my head again. This is leading me to believe that Sakura really was bluffing, apparently Tsunade told her all about my training, But she knows nothing!

"I went to a place and was trained by wolves." I bluntly state. Naruto and Sakura both stare at me, waiting for me to continue. Well alright then!

"Well you know how you guys were trained by legendary sannin? Well I was trained by wolf sages and I've been working on Senjutsu these past three years. Isn't Jiraiya a sage though? I don't know, I'm still pretty confused about the whole thing." I inform watching a spark go off in Naruto. "Senjutsu?!"

"Uh yeah like natural energy and stuff. . . Sage stuff. . ." I awkwardly say not really knowing how to explain it. I look up at Kakashi sensei who turned away from his book to pay attention to our conversation. "How could I describe Senjutsu?"

"Well, let's use Haru as an example. She is a senjutsu practitioner, and they learn to draw the energy of nature inside of them, blending it with their own. This adds a new dimension of power to the practitioner's chakra, resulting in the creation of Senjutsu chakra." He pauses and looks at my teammates to see if they're lost, they seem okay so he continues.

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