Chapter 15 🌙

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As I leave the cemetery and walk back into Konoha's main streets I already have my mind made up.

Sasuke wants to talk and the curiosity in me want's to let him do so. I know that it would only mean two things for me. Either I break down crying like a teenage girl in front of him or I attempt murder. Wait, I am a teenage girl though so the first option is validated!

Ugh, I won't go. It would only make my life harder even though my curiosity is growing minute per minute. I also don't really care for finding out who my new teammate is, odds are he or she will probably take over my spot and they'll run off as a three person team just like how it was when I was younger.

The ridiculousness of the situation still has me in disbelief. Why are we even getting a new teammate? Now that Sasuke's gone, it's three people plus our squad leader. Now we have a normal amount of people!

Oh, right. I'm not able to go do missions so team seven is missing someone as always. This is bringing me back to before I left the village and I was considering leaving, it's because of this stupid shit.

I already see it coming. The second I become Jounin I'll be put in a squad of other people and it's bye bye team seven for me. It's not like I was ever in that damned team to begin with.

Who even gave those photos to Tsunade anyways? Someone must've been spying on us. Ugh, that's even creepier than it sounds.

As I walk back in the direction of my home I'm stopped by a certain someone. "Shortcake is that you?" I stop mid step and turn to the voice. I look at him and arch a brow. Wow, so far everyones hit puberty well. "Oh wow Kiba now I'm actually shorter than you." I say without an ounce of playfulness.

This doesn't register in Kiba's mind as he walks towards me with a wide smirk "Well well doll face, I must say. You never disappoint my eyes." My jaw drops slightly "Ew Kiba, stop flirting." I complain softly punching his shoulder.

He's about to retort but something else catches my eye. "Is that Akamaru?!" I gasp, genuinely shocked at the size of the puppy. Kia looks back and frowns. "Of course it's Akamaru! Whats up with you and Naruto not recognizing him?"

I push Kiba out of the way and walk towards the big dog. "Before I left he was small enough to sit on your head! Now he's big enough so you'd sit on his back!" I exclaim as I pet the furry dog's head. Kiba frowns "Why are you giving Akamaru more attention than me?" he complains.

I look back at him with my hand still petting akamaru. "Sorry Kiba but Akamaru is just cuter than you."

The hotheaded side in Kiba comes out as he begins complaining and denying my statement. I ignore him as I continue playing around with Akamaru. "Hello, Haru Senju." I look up to see someone with a jacket hanging down to his knees, and a hood that let's me barely see his face. The glasses also don't help at all. Hm, I only know one person who would dress like this.

"Hey Shino!" I say with a small smile as I wave. I may hate the way this village works but that doesn't mean I hate everyone in it.

Shine seems a bit taken aback. "Oh. . . So you remember me?" He asks to which I furrow my eyebrows. "Yeah of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" I ask, noticing his face become darker. "Nothing, it's just that people like Naruto Uzumaki seem to not remember me." He darkly states.

I sweat drop at this as I continue playing around with Akamaru's fur. "Yeah Naruto has a hard time remembering lot's of things I wouldn't take it personal if I were you." I say talking about the blonde.

Shino simply nods "Noted."

I then look down to see a familiar shy girl on the floor with Kiba fanning her. "C'mon Hinata why do you always do this when Naruto shows up?" Kia complains. I shake my head with a small smile. It seems like someone still has a crush on Naruto.

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