Chapter 60 🌙

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••Third Person POV••

It's a calm morning in one of the akatsuki hideouts, no one is there but team taka who are resting from the fight they endured a couple days ago with the eight tails. Suigetsu and Jugo left the hideout to head off into a nearby village in search for weapons, leaving Sasuke, Karin and Haru in the hideout alone.

Haru was still unconscious, the fight with the eight tails taking a huge toll on her body. It was the chunk of her own life that she handed to Sasuke which debilitated her, of course she's in a stage of recuperation, but theres no telling when she may wake up.

Though her final act of bravery is what guaranteed the success of the mission. By using her last amounts of chakra, huge rods of chakra infused wood attacked the eight tails which successfully paralyzed him, leaving him to the wrath of Suigetsu who had a lot to prove to the team and Haru.

Well of course, by that point Haru had fallen unconscious so she didn't really see much of anything that Suigetsu did. . .

Sasuke was more than surprised when he was informed of Haru's actions, not believing that she would sacrifice herself to save him despite all the terrible things he's done to her. Sasuke was and is very aware of his actions and how they affected her, and he knows that his upcoming actions will only upset her even more.

But despite the future, Sasuke would like to focus on the present when it comes to Haru, knowing that dwelling on what may come to them will get them nowhere. Sasuke knows that in order to win her back, they need to have a talk. A very long and grueling talk that he's pushed to the side and dreaded ever since they reunited through team Taka.

He knows that the talk is necessary though, and it needs to happen in order to move forward with her. Some of the things that have happened cannot be left unsaid.

Amidst all his thoughts, he's interrupted by Karin entering the living room, a serious look on her face. "Haru woke up and I checked her chakra reserves, they're back to normal." She informs before sitting down on the same couch he's on. Theres a switch in mood when suddenly Karin looks at him sharply, a blush spread out on her cheeks, and her glasses off her face.

"Hey Sasuke how about me and you go to the village and catch up on things? Haru needs to rest right now anyway." She says flirtatiously. Sasuke barely reacts to her obvious oncomings, simply throwing her an unfazed glance before standing up. "No thanks Karin, I'll go check on Haru. You could do whatever you'd like though." He says before walking into the hallway leading to the rooms, leaving Karin alone and bothered.

He doesn't bother knocking, instead he opens the door to Haru's room catching the Senju inside by surprise. Her eyes snap open, revealing the rich ruby red shade and she sits up in surprise. "Sasuke? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She whines, running a frustrated hand through her silky white hair.

"Hn." Sasuke mumbles before taking a seat right next to her bed. She rolls her eyes at that and quickly closes her book, putting it to the side and shifting her body position so she'd face Sasuke. "How are you feeling?" He asks, noting how she already looks much better than before by the color of her skin.

Haru smiles softly, bringing her hands up to her eyes and rubbing them softly, still obviously very sleepy and tired. "I guess I'm feeling a lot better. More like how are you feeling? Last time I saw you, you were dying." She frowns, dropping her hands and setting her eyes on the Uchiha.

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