Chapter 3 🌙

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A.N: Edit by a SasuHaru shipper lol. She wants to be kept anonymous, but I like it and congratulate her! (Just a claim, all rights go to the original artists seeing as this is only an edit) Now onto the story!

"So Haru, how was your time training?" Kakashi asks as we hurry to Suna. I look at him from the side of my eye "It was okay." I murmur quietly. He narrows his eyes only the slightest bit, and I don't fail in noticing. "I didn't know the twin wolves taught kenjutsu." He calmly states and I unconsciously tense up.

"Yeah, they don't." I state, my voice unwavering. Shit, is he onto me?

My face hardens as I run a bit faster, easily becoming the front of the group. "We're much closer than before, only eighty miles to the village." I say as the sun becomes brighter and the vegetation lessens.

"Who is the kazekage anyways?" I ask before quite literally sensing Naruto freak the hell out behind me. "WHAT?! You don't know who the kazekage is?!" Naruto asks as he falls into step with myself. I stay silent and Naruto takes that as a no.

"Gaara! You remember him, red hair?" Naruto asks trying to catch me up on memory. I fall even more silent "Of course I remember him, he's kazekage?" I ask, quite surprised by the turn of events. A tinge of pink creeps up on my cheeks when I remember how smitten I was over him back in the day.

"Yeah Haru, he's kazekage." Kakashi sensei says giving me quite the side eye. "no need to be sassy." I mutter before stopping abruptly, the rest of my team slowing down a bit and finally stopping a few feet away from me. "Haru what's wrong?" Naruto asks.

I stop myself before I can roll my eyes. Of course Shinji's here.

"You guys go on ahead I'll catch up with you." I say with a straight face. "Why not Haru? We have visitors." Kakashi sensei states, arching a brow at me. Crap!

"Yes I'm here and I have blessed your presence!" my brothers deep voice resounds from behind me. I fight the urge to punch him and make him go away but that would seem weird considering the outcome.

My three team members including Kakashi sensei instantly go in their fighting stances. "Haru move away from that guy! Who the hell is he?!" Naruto asks.

"He's an S-ranked criminal, member of the Akatsuki." Kakashi sensei informs, his gaze switching over to me. "He's also Haru's brother." He adds. My brother stupidly smirks from behind me. "I'm honored, you've done your homework!" he sarcastically cheers. I turn around and softly slap his arm.

"You idiot leave. I don't want you here." I say glaring at his stupid grin. "Haru he's our enemy get away from him!" Sakura hisses and Shinji widens his eyes while sarcastically putting a hand on his chest. 'seeming' shocked.

"Oh no! I would never hurt my baby sister! You on the other hand seem disposable." He grins before a wing made out of crystal emerges from his back and shoots grows, shaping into a spear and rushing in Sakura's way. Oh Kami he's really being annoying today!

Naruto quickly forms a rasengan in his hand and blocks the crystal from reaching Sakura, a large chunk of the crystal falling into a billions of glittering pieces. My brother let's out a short laugh. "Oh my, that tickled!" He says. Naruto glares at him as the part of the wing that was destroyed quickly grows back to how it was before.

"Haru I actually came to talk to you!" Shinji says wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I look at him from my perphiral vision "What?" I blatantly ask.

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