Chapter 14 🌙

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Reacap: She hands me a scroll without saying anything. I carefully open it and feel my heart drop when I do. A multitude of pictures fall to the ground. I lean down and shakily pick up a photo of Sasuke and I, hugging each other, and smiling without a care in the world. I look up at my cousin slowly with wide eyes, feeling as if I could throw up whatever's in my stomach.

"I- I can explain!"

Tsunade arches a brow at me as a million thoughts run through my head. Maybe I could just run away? My eyes furtively glide over to an open window. Could I really outrun her though? I mean she's hokage for a reason. . .

"Don't even think about running." She says as she leans on the door frame carelessly. "So, are we going to talk?"


"I refused to believe the rumors at first." Tsunade calmly starts as she takes a sip of water. We're both sitting down in my living room, I'm huddled up on one end of my couch staring intensely at the coffee table. She knows.

"But then I took a quick glance at your medical report, thinking about scheduling you for a regular check up when I saw what Sakura filed in." She continues. I don't move at all and I could only shake my leg as a nervous habit. "When I found out that you were having sex and these rumors were going around I couldn't help but believe in them, but I wouldn't say anything until concrete evidence was provided." She says sternly. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

"Then yesterday I received these photo's from an anonymous source and my predictions had been confirmed."

I could literally feel my heart thumping out of my chest because of how scared I am. She's not being the hothead that I know her as, she's being calm. Too calm. "So I want you to explain everything." She says, I look up to her quickly and she sees the pure terror in my eyes. "Right now I'm not talking to you as hokage, I'm talking to you as family."

I nod hesitantly and start with a wavy voice. "W-well it was a month after I left the village when I started talking to Sasuke again. Orochimaru had given him a mission to do in the land of snow and you know I was there." I start, feeling as if I was presenting in front of a crowd of millions of people.

"And at first I was mad at him because he went to Orochimaru but eventually I got over it." I add. "And I don't know we eventually started going out." I murmur looking down to the floor, not really knowing how to explain myself.

"Three years?" Tsunade asks, feeling surprised at the amount of time. I nod hesitantly before nervously gulping. She's going to hate me. "I-I️ don't know we never called ourselves official, I don't think we needed to. I just got so comfortable around him I don't know what to say." I defend, not even managing to take a look at Tsunade's face.

"Do you love him?" Tsunade bluntly asks, my hand shaking the slightest bit as I bring it up ruffle my own hair. "No! I hate him." I deny, my voice cracking due to nerves. "Are you still in a seeing him?" Tsunade asks as she watches my every move. I shake my head quickly with wide watery eyes. No because he had to go and rip my heart out.

She suddenly stands up and nears me, I cringe away when I think she's going to hit me but am surprised when she simply sits next to me and brings me into a hug. A warm, comforting one like the ones auntie Mikoto use to give me. "Just let it all out." She mutters.

That's when the real waterworks begin. "He's such a little shit I hate him!" I cry as I cling onto Tsunade's neck as if I were just a little kid. She says nothing as she runs her hand through my hair. "H-he played with my emotions too much and I was stupid enough to think he felt the same way about me!" I continue, Tsunade listening trying to get every detail from my words.

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