Chapter 39 🌙

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Recap: "You get along well with your brother right?" Gaara asks as we sit on the kazekage buildings rooftop, staring above the desert city. "I met him a bit later in life, during the chunin exams but he's become my best friend over the years." I softly say, a huge switch from my original tone.

Gaara nods, about to respond when a frantic Matsuri appears out of nowhere, panting her breath and glancing at the both of us with panicked expressions. "Kazekage-sama! It's leaf village ninja! They're here and they look angry!"


My eyes widen and I freeze. Looks like Tsunade found out. . . Without chakra how am I supposed to defend myself and succsesfully get away from them?!

"How many leaf ninja?" Gaara curiously asks, standing up from his sitting position.

"I don't know it was a big group though! Maybe around twelve or thirteen people?" She breathlessly says. I click my tongue and also stand up, the nerves setting in.

She wouldn't have sent my old friends right? Ugh, this is Tsunade I'm talking about here. I think she's petty enough to do something like that.

That would be a pain in the ass though! Considering some of them are extremely talented tracking nin. Then there's Shikamaru who's a tactical genius and Kakashi who knows most of my weak points. Going up against two taijutsu style masters would probably be the most difficult part. Gai sensei and Lee are both extremely strong and fast, now while I may have improved immensely in my taijutsu, I know I'm no match for someone like those two.

Damn it. I might as well just turn myself into them.

. . . hah yeah right! I'd rather die trying to get the hell away from them than giving in.

So my fight or flight instincts end up kicking in when I look at Gaara with determination painted across my features. "Gaara the stay here has been great but I'm afraid I'll be taking me leave now." I say, turning to him and placing my hand on his shoulder.

Matsuri looks at me weirdly "What why do you need to leave?" She hurriedly asks. Gaara shakes his head "We'll talk about this later Matsuri, Haru I'll go talk to them. But how will you leave? It's all just desert when you leave the village and without chakra you can't really hide anywhere." He says, analyzing my getaway from top to bottom.

Shit, he's right! It's not like they're any trees that I can hide behind, and there's nothing that I could do about my chakra. For Kami's sake, I can't even feel my chakra anymore!

I sigh and plaster a fake smile on my face "It's okay Gaara I have Isamu to help me. Thank you so much! I don't know when I'll ever see you again but. . .thank you."

"No no it's fine I didn't really do much -" I stop him by arching a brow "I know that you know that I belong in a jail cell right now. But you allowed me to stay in your territory and you didn't rat me out to Tsunade." I say, effectively shutting him up.

I hesitate a moment before lunging myself forwards and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I owe you one for sure." I whisper before stepping back and sending him one last smile.

He opens his mouth to say something but by the time he formed his thoughts I already went off in the direction of Suna's hospital hoping to find Isamu.

Without any chakra, the challenge of jumping across Suna's skyline has proven to be very difficult. What would normally seem like a walk in a park is tiring me out pretty quick, but I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm managing to jump across the roof's ledges and not fall flat on my face to the ground.

Okay this is fine, I just need to find Isamu before any of the konoha ninja manage to detect my presence. Sadly, with my luck they probably already have. Or the more favorable option would be Shinji appearing out of nowhere and whisking me away but the odds of that happening are zero to none.

Legacy of a Senju (Sequel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora