Chapter 27 🌙

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I groan as my red eyes flutter open. I narrow my eyes at the complete darkness. I suddenly become aware of my surroundings when something, an arm, tightens around my waist. Oh shit, mistakes were made.

I sneakily pry his arm off of me and quite literally leap off of the bed, landing on the floor with a 'thump'. Well there goes trying to be quiet.

I quickly put on my shirt which is on the floor, forget the bra that things long gone. My shirt is black anyways. Then I find my shorts and hike them up my legs as quickly as possible, luckily I manage to find my shoes which are right next to the door.

As I tie up my boots I glance over at the bed to not find Sasuke in his original position. I furrow my eyebrows and turn around quickly, only to find my shirtless ex douchy boyfriend standing right at the door frame with his arms crossed.

I jump slightly and place my hands on my chest "I was serious yesterday, you need to stop popping out of nowhere." I complain as I adjust my boots to fit around my thighs perfectly. "And where do you think you're going?" He asks seriously as he eyes me looking around the room for my cloak.

"Well, last night kinda filtered everything out so I assume we're done with each other right?" I coldly ask, mentally cringing at how that came out. It sounded nicer in my head. Sasuke narrows his coal black eyes at me "No, we're not done with each other Haru." Sasuke claims as I finally find my cloak.

I swiftly put it on then turn back around to walk towards him. "Oh really? I mean I'm not your first priority, you aren't mines. This isn't working out." I bluntly state, narrowing my eyes a bit. What is wrong with him? Does he not remember brutally breaking up with me?

Oh how the roles have reversed.

"What do you mean this isn't working out? We're working out fine." Sasuke defends, probably tingling about last nights events. "I'm sorry Sasuke but great sex doesn't equal great relationship. Plus, you broke up with me remember?" I ask, my stoic face changing with a bitter smile.

Oh geez, this is seriously hurting me I hate myself sometimes.

"Where would you even go?" He asks, now changing the topic as always. I roll my eyes at this "I have a brother ya know, you're fourth in the importance list right now." I say, lying straight through my teeth. He arches a brow "Fourth?"

I shrug "My brother comes first, not you. The kazekage comes second though, he's been real nice lately he's been quite the charmer. Third is the tundra, you know all about that. Fourth is you but consider yourself last." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"The kazekage?"

"Gaara, remember him? The cute one? Yeah, I think I'll take on his offer to stay at the village for a little while." I say, lying through my teeth again. Oh that would be the ideal, gorgeous kazekage who has a obvious crush on me and that fabulous dango shop in Suna. Sadly, I doubt any of the five great nations would consider me as a friend now.

Sasuke glares at me and I smirk "What? You mad?"

••In the Village••

"Choji shouldn't we at least wait for Haru?" Shikamaru asks with a sweat drop when he sees his teammate dive into the restaurants famous barbecue platter.

Choji's head snaps up from his plate and looks up at the empty seat across from him. "What's up with that?! Maybe she fell asleep again and hasn't woken up." Choji positively exclaims before setting his attention on the food.

Shikamaru shudders at the memory of a twelve year old Haru being woken up from her slumber. She threw her pillows at the two boys until they left her house and promised she would eat with them another day.

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