The Little Match Girl Part 3

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When you woke up you saw a worried looking Marshal.

"Are you okay. You collapsed on the street." he says putting his hand on your forehead. "Your fever went down, but I'd prefer if you stayed in bed today."

"I feel better, Thank you. Where am I?" you ask as you survey the room.

"My home. I don't know where you live so I brought you here. When you are better you are free to go."

"I am sorry but I need to go. I have to sell my matches."

"You can wait a few days. You are going to collapse again." 

"But..." you and Marshal continue this exchange until you hear a knock.

"Marshal?" A young woman with blonde hair that is braided smiles curiously.

"Lucia. What are you doing out of bed?"

"I heard from a maid that you brought an unconscious girl home. I naturally worry."

"Its fine. She is better but she needs to rest." Marshal says in a tone that makes you stay quiet.

"Your name?" she asks.


"I am Lucia. Marshal's wife." You turn to Marshal

"I didn't know you had a wife."

"We've been married for less than a year." he states.

"I am sorry Ms. Lucia. I shouldn't be intruding on a married couple." you say trying to get out of bed.

"You are fine dear."at that you stay in bed. "You should stay here until you get better unless you have family who is waiting for you."

"... I got no one." you say quietly.

"Oh I am so sorry." she says.

"Its fine." you say with a small smile.

"Then how do you make a living. It is quite difficult to get a job nowadays."

"I sell matches on the street. Your husband buys whatever I couldn't sell so I can go home early."

"Really now?" she says turning to Marshal. She then turns to you. "Then perhaps, would you like working here?"

"Lucia?" Marshal asks. "What are you doing?"

"You aren't planning on leaving her out on the streets. You bring her here to treat her and then let her return back to a life in which she is clearly struggling. Besides, if I am correct, one of the maids quit because she recently got married. Since we have a position open, why not hire her."

"I see your point." Marshal says. He turns to you. "Would you like to work here?" You look at Marshal and Lucia and smile.

"Thank you so much." Within a few days you recover and start working for them. You learn that Lucia is ill and Marshal takes care of her. As you observe their relationship, it becomes obvious that the love is one sided. Lucia always tries to engage Marshal in conversations and speaks to him whenever she can. Marshal on the other hand rarely talks to her unless it is about her health.

You are serving Lucia tea when she asks.

"You and Marshal knew each other for a bit correct?" You turn to Lucia.

"I only know a few things about your husband."

"He seems to get along better with you. He acts a lot more natural with you." She says sadly.

"Do you want me to see what he likes then?"


"I mean if you know what he likes as in his hobbies, perhaps it will give you things to talk about and you can perhaps be less awkward around each other."

"That is a wonderful idea."

"Thank you Miss."

"Do me a favor though. I don't want him to know I am sending you to do this. It seems like spying and he might distance himself from me if he knows."

"You have my word."

Since then, whenever you ran into Marshal you would chat him up and learn knew things about him. You would relay what you heard to Lucia and this continued for quite sometime. Marshal at first found it odd you were constantly near him and watching him like a hawk but soon got used to your company and grew to enjoy it. Since he wasn't aware you were learning about him to tell Lucia, he believed you had an interest in him. Finally he decided to confess his love for you. He would work out what happened afterwards but he was going to tell you. He went to find you, only to see you discussing things with Lucia.

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