The Pied Piper Epilogue

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Peter had taken you away from the children and you don't even know if they got back to the village. As for you, Peter had brought you to a small cottage far from any villages. You had tried to take his pipe but he always had it with him. Every time you got close enough to take it, he would make sure it was far from your grasps. 

You soon realize why Peter was obsessed with you. Kindness. You were kind to him and tried to pay him back for what he has done. It made you feel worse because if you were to have never given him the money, he might of left you alone.

You figured out he was the one who murdered your father. You shuddered at the thought of living with a murderer. Fate wasn't on your side and you felt even worse. Peter didn't care though. If he thought you were going to do something to harm yourself, you would be under his constant supervision. Any sharp objects would be hidden from you and if worse came to worse... he would play his pipe and you would end up in his control.

I would like to thank @SlayinRayne for giving me the idea for this story. Thank you!! :)

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