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"You told me you wouldn't!" He roared, "You promised me!"

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"You told me you wouldn't!" He roared, "You promised me!"

"Please, I can explain-"

"Shut up! You've lied enough already!"
The force of his heavy fist pounding down upon my body knocked the very breath from my lungs, leaving my gasping for air on the cold floor.

"You lied to me Amora, and after all I have done for you!"

He was right.
I shouldn't have lied.
I shouldn't have done it.
My voice was choked by a premature sob.
"I'm sorry."



A weight dropped into the pit of my stomach, weighting my legs, holding me firmly where I stood.

I should not have lied.
If I had been truthful, maybe they wouldn't hit me as hard.
-But it was too late for that now, what was done was done. There was no going back.

"Leave us, Emery." Greyson said. He didn't shout, he didn't need to. For his silence was so much more terrifying then his outburst could possibly have been. If he had shown his rage straight away, shouted a bit, gave me a few hits his anger would have been spent.

-But silence, that meant he was holding himself back, that gave him time to plan an even more gruesome punishment.

The woman left the room without a second glance, the doors slamming shut behind her.

Then he turned his full attention on me, moving from behind the desk to stand right in front of me.
Much too close, yet somehow... not close enough.

I stepped back until I felt my back collide with the harsh stone wall. I couldn't escape him.
He leaned forward, planting his strong arms either side of my head, caging me in.

I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe. The only thought I had was how I would like to run my hands along him, to feel the hardness of his body beneath my fingers.

I stared down at my feet in shame, he knew it was a lie.

"Look at me." He whispered, the only hint of softness he had shown. But it wasn't real, his voice was gentle yet every muscle in his body was tense, he was holding himself back from something.
He was fighting a loosing battle with himself.

I dragged my eyes up his form, and they clung to the way his shirt hugged to his lean body. His eyes bore into me, a rogue shiver ran down my spine, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

He knew.

He took his time, examining everything about my face, his eyes lingered on my lips, for longer than I thought was practical, before asking once more, "Did you do it?"

Should I lie again, and perhaps remain unscathed but risk a worse beating if he found out the truth.
Or should I be honest, and face the consequences that I deserved.

But I was a coward, and cowards lie to pretence their own backs.


He shifted slightly, he was so close that I could feel his warm breaths fanning against my cheek, so close that I knew the exact distance between us, six inches.

A slight smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He leaned forward until we were almost touching. My body ached to reach forward and close what little distance remained between us.

His lips were almost touching my ear as he whispered, "Now, you and I both know that's a lie."

I recoiled slightly, of corse he would figure out I was lying. I had never been good at it, Daniel always knew when I was lying and he would beat me for it.
Greyson would no doubt do the same.

I braced myself for impact, but nothing happened. Instead I felt his presence shift back slightly.

I opened my eyes to find that he wasn't as close as he had previously been. He looked at me with a mixture of emotions that I couldn't quite decipher. But within a moment his face returned to a rugged countenance, his blue eyes swirling with something dark as he said.

"I know what he did to you."

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