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I tried to shout, to scream at them to stop

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I tried to shout, to scream at them to stop.
My lips moved and my lungs screamed but no sound escaped.

Vicious snarls rebounded off bloodied fur and torn flesh. Two being blurred and merged into one dark and sandy mess, stricken with blood and bits of shredded sinew.

I didn't even try to comprehend how a man had turned into a wolf but none of that mattered now. This was a fight to the death, and only one would be victorious.

They moved as a whirlwind of tooth and claw, the larger and darker of the two wolves burying his teeth deep into the smaller wolves hind. I never knew a wolf could scream, untill now, the creature released a horrid screech of pain, turning to swipe at the dark wolf with a blood stained paw.

He was loosing badly and he knew it.

The sandy wolf tried to clam down upon the largers flesh, instead accidentally creating an opening for a kill.

It was quick, painless. The dark wolf's jaw latched around the smaller wolfs neck, holding its now limp and lifeless body in its powerful grasp.

I was almost knocked backwards when the waves of dominance oozing off the male hit me. Fresh and crisp yet something distinctly male.

He dropped the wolf and it's head lolled sadly on the floor, body motionless and red eyes fast shut. He was dead.

The dark wolf turned, moving out of sight for a second as vicious cracks echoed through the empty air. He appeared a second later, I lost my breath as his golden skin glowed in the sun. He was built like a god, every feature was chiselled to perfection, yet somehow he only made me think of Greyson.

I shut my eyes and shook my head.
Trying to get rid of the thought of him. No doubt he hated me now anyways.

He walked towards me with big, powerful strides. His golden eyes held me transfixed beneath his scrutinising gaze. He stopped as he stood over me, holding out a hand, which I took.

His skin was warm but his hand was rough with calluses. I let go quickly, as though he were on fire as soon as I had stood up, but he didn't seem to care.

His eyes flickered over my face, scanning for something that I couldn't quite trace. He was stunning, a mountain of tightly bound muscle and sinew, a machine built for combat he seemed unfazed by the fight, not a scratch to be seen on his Adonis body.

My words were breathless as I spoke, my voice like a timid child.
"Who are you?"

He completely ignored my question, his eyes lingered on my neck. On the bite. Self conscious I pulled my shirt back to it covered the wound completely.

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