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The emptiness echoed inside me

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The emptiness echoed inside me.
The white noise bouncing off the empty caverns within my soul.

My mother was gone.
And there was nothing I could do to bring her back.

There she lay, she would look almost peaceful if it weren't for the crimson smears across her pale white skin.

My mother was the canvas, pure and white. My father just had to ruin her with his dark colours.
Her eyes where closed, and thick black eyelashes swept against her high cheekbones.

If I tried hard enough, I could just pretend that she was sleeping. Though no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop the scarlet tears that crawled down her face and neck.

She looked grey, her skin so pale it looked something akin to glass. Just one touch and she would shatter into a thousand pieces beneath my finger tips, she had never felt a gentle touch.

She had tried so hard to please my father yet her efforts were always futile, she was never good enough for him in her eyes.

I watched her change for him before my eyes. She closed her mouth more, tried to be softer, prettier, less awake.

She tried to be everything that he found in other women at 3AM.

She fasted for days on end. Wore white. Abstained from mirrors. Vanity would be punished.

Yet she still wasn't good enough.
He ruined her.

She said he opened all the doors that we would need in life.
-But doors lead to trap doors. Stairways lead to nothing.
Unknown women would still wander the hallways at night, when he thought we couldn't see them.

He would still come home in the middle of the night and lie, it was in the very blood that ran through his veins.

They all lied.


Pale hands slid across the balcony rail, suddenly deft in all their eagerness. My fingers ached to reach out, to try to grab the bronze baked sun, as it sat upon a throne of golden floss.

I had just been walking down an empty hall when I spied the sunset through an open balcony.

I stretched my fingers towards the tangerine orb, but it was no use, I couldn't possibly reach.
A stab of pain in my shoulder brought me back to my senses. The bite.
It wasn't healing, it had been several weeks since the incident yet the damned thing would not scab over. It remained bloody and raw and had dark spidering veins that crawled up my neck and clutched my ribs. I knew something was very, very wrong. That much was obvious. But I felt as though I couldn't tell anyone for fear of being called a freak.

It didn't hurt as much as it used to, I figured that over time I had become accustomed to the constant burning pain.

I didn't turn when I heard footsteps behind me.

"You're not planning on jumping, are you?" A foreign voice drawled.

A humourless laugh left my lips.
I wish.

"Well, if you're not going to jump then what are you doing?" The voice came closer, it was deep and soothing, making me want to close my eyes and let it just wash over me like a gentle wave.

"I don't even know the answer to that myself." I whispered under my breath, though I know that he heard me because a dry laugh echoed off the high ceilings.

He moved closer, leaning against the railing next to me. A strange presence washed over me, somehow familiar yet unnerving all at the same time. A knot balled tight in my stomach, so many confusing emotions rising to the surface, something inside me screamed at the top of its lungs, whilst other emotions crawled around it in a vile haze. Yet among all the bad there was something good, alluring. Pulling me to the stranger for a brief second only to be swallowed beneath the wave of a scream.

It was then that I looked over, when I couldn't stand the feeling any longer.

It was Greyson.
-No... it wasn't.

His features where somehow sharper, his nose slightly harsher, his eyes a darker wash of Grey.

I choked on my words, my lips stumbling over themselves before asking the question on my mind. "Who are you?"

He turned to me with a smirk, "Your worst nightmare."

I blinked for a moment, taken back by his response before I laughed dryly. "I doubt that."

"I'm Noah, by the way." He held out a hand for me to shake, which I accepted. "Amora."

I gasped when electricity sparked all the way up my arm as soon as our skin touched. I jumped back, eyes wide and staring at the man in horror. He looked slightly unnerved, but only gave a slightly crooked smile in response.

"What the-"

"I'll see you around, Amora." Noah grinned, and the knot inside my tightened further at the way he said my name. I watched him leave, desperately trying to figure out how I felt about the strange man. Everything was a mess. I was mess.

I just wished that things could go back to the way they were before all of this happened.

Before Noah, before Greyson and Jack.
When things were much simpler.
Just Daniel and I.

I had this great idea for this chapter in my head but when I tried to write it I kinda got carried away and then had to delete bits because they were too graphic and rn I cant even remember half of what I just wrote and I cba to reread to edit because I'm lazy so if this chapter makes no sense that's why
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