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The strings broke

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The strings broke. The damn burst. The fire exploded when his tongue dragged over the bite. I cried out, "Noah Stop!"

Instantly he was off me, standing more than six feet away, a horrified look on his face but the tears blinded me. "Stop." I cried.

He looked as though I had slapped him clean across the face. Except now he wasn't Noah anymore.

His features were softer, his eyes brighter and his arms that clenched were stronger. Everything within him was tense, he seemed almost like a bomb to me and it was just a matter of time before he exploded into an inferno of hellfire and rage.

His voice was deadly calm. "What did you say?"

"I-I" I couldn't speak, words wouldn't form and my tongue became clumsy as it fumbled for words, desperately searching for some semblance of a word to diffuse the situation. There was nothing I could say to douse his flame, so instead I watched as it grew, hotter, taller, brighter.

When I finally found my words it was too late. I knew it was. "Greyson.." I said, taking a step toward the mountain of a man. He took one back, and hurt flickered in my heart. "Greyson I can explain-"

He shook his head. "What did he do to you!" He hissed. A war raged inside him, he was usually good at hiding his emotions deep beneath a marred and scared heart. His walls were tall and defences thick. But now everything was out in the open, and somehow I found it much worse that way. I could see every pained thought as they echoed in his eyes. "Answer me, Amora!" He closed the distance between us in what felt like less than a second. "Tell me what he did to you!"

"Nothing!" I lied, desperately trying to hold back the tears that pricked in my eyes and the monster that raged in my belly. It raked its sharp claws down the insides of my throat in a bid for freedom from the cage of my sanity. My voice broke as I said it again, more to try and convince myself than him. "Nothing happened."

Maybe it was nothing. Maybe I deserved it.

At first I was so sure, of what I had seen, what had been done to me and how it made me feel.. however the more I thought about it the more I began to question myself. Maybe I was making it up? Maybe it was a dream? Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me?


Or maybe it was real. Every touch, every press of lips and scrape of skin. It was real.

His hot breath fanned my face, I couldn't look him in the eyes so instead I looked away, tears blurring my vision.

"You're lying." He didn't shout. He didn't need to, he knew the effect he had on me, his piercing grey eyes were like a truth serum to me, that was why I couldn't look at him , for fear of the words just slipping out. A slip of the tongue would be all it would take for everything to be ruined.
I was scared. So scared.
Scared of the look in his eye when he found out the truth. Scared of his reaction. Scared he would hurt me like I deserved. It was my fault after all, I should've pushed Noah away the moment his skin met mine and those sinful sparks shocked my flesh. I shouldn't have gone into the woods that night, if I hadn't none of this would've happened. All grief would've been spared, but this was the life we were given. There was no changing that.

"Why won't you tell me?" His face changed, stony eyes softened, and I could've sworn I saw a glassy sheen. The look on his face made me want to crumble before his feet and beg for his forgiveness at the horrid thoughts I had given him. He knew. "You're scared of me."

"Can you blame me?" I said, staring at the floor.

"Amora..." I flinched as he raised a hand to stroke my cheek, but he stopped himself last second, leaving his fingers hovering mere millimetres from my skin, so close I could feel the sensation of him in the fine hairs on my face. "I would never hurt you. I couldn't."

He stared at me intently with searching eyes. "Please tell me that you know that right?"

It came out, I said it. I didn't mean to.
"It's not that." I said. "You don't understand."

"Then tell me." He frowned. "Make me understand!"

"Noah.. he.. touched me."

Any ideas as to what will happen next?
As always if you're enjoying AMORA please feel free to check out some of my other works!
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