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My dreams were filled with dark grey eyes and soft lips

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

My dreams were filled with dark grey eyes and soft lips.

A feather light touch skimmed my flesh, though I could never seem to capture its kiss no matter how hard I tried. The feeling always managed to evade me.

Moon drunk eyes bore heavily into my own, hooded eye lids and slurred promises.

Two souls became one, two bodies merging together to be joined as one whole.

Then there was a shatter of glass, I looked up just in time to see a thousand glass daggers raining down upon us from the impending blackness that was the sky.

I screamed, throwing my arms over my head. Shards buried them selves deep within the flesh of my forearms and silver blood began to crawl down my arms, the metallic taste seemed to linger on my tongue, seeping down my throat like a poison finger and down into my lungs. It was drowning.

I woke up.

"Sorry..." The woman mumbled, scrambling on her knees to sweep up the shards of glass. I slowly lowered my arms, casting a weary glance over the places that were once filled with crystal knives. Nothing.

It was a dream, that much I knew. I hoped to god that my other memories were all dreams too. I hoped that Noah was all just a dream. Some kind of twisted fantasy.

-A beautiful nightmare.


I tried to avoid everyone. I never wanted to see a single person ever again.

Of course I knew that at some point I would have to come into human contact again, but for now I would enjoy the sanctity of the grounds.

I didn't know where I was going. I didn't much care. Anywhere away from here.

Of course I didn't plan to actually escape... that was until I saw the mouth of the wood. I could just skip inside so easily... nobody would even see me go. I could start again, and leave all of this behind.

I could go back to Daniel, I would beg for him to take me back.

My footsteps grew faster, more hurried, more desperate as I drew closer. I had to go and I had to go now. I hadn't realised how much I had missed home until it was too late. I missed Daniel.

Walking turned into jogging, which soon turned to sprinting. Unforgiving steps thundering through the undergrowth.
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, several times I almost fell, my feet catching on roots and vines but still I pushed on.

I ran faster when I realised I wasn't alone. My footsteps weren't the only ones echoing among wooden skeletons that surrounded me.

Shadows seemed to morph, branches turned to outstretched claws and a chill crawled down my spine.

Whatever it was, it was coming closer.
I couldn't run, it was so much faster than I was.
I couldn't fight, I would never win.

But I could climb.

I silently began to scale the nearest pine tree. The trunk was thick and sturdy, at least four times as wide as I was.

The rough bark cut into the soft flesh of my palms, yet I carried on. I almost cried out when I lost my grip, the side of my arm scraped down the hard wood. Splinters bit into my skin, burying themselves deep below the surface like nature's knives. I didn't dare to stop climbing until I was thirty feet in the air.

The world seemed to sway when I looked down and I struggle to keep in what little food I had consumed over the past few days. I tried my best to remain silent. I listened intently with bated breath.

Dried leaves crunched and snapped under its feet. I could hear it's shallow breaths. The airs on the back of my neck stood on end as I imagines its warm breath fanning against my face.

Moon drunk eyes, so pale and grey.
They never once looked my way, and for that I was forever greatful.

The roan wolf threw its head to the glowing orb that hung low in the sky and called a horrid melody.

The howl echoed through my body and shook my bones. I didn't dare breathe. It stayed below my tree for a long moment, before carrying on into the shadows of the woodland.

I stayed in that tree for what felt like hours, several times I could've sworn I had heard it's melodic cry, though I wasn't sure which I feared more.

The silence or the answer.

I have decided to no longer have AMORA as a project piece, I'll try to update as often as I can xxx
Any thoughts? Theories?
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