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A/n: reader is Elrond's daughter in this one. Which means you have the gift of foresight as well.

"What was the dream about?" Lyrath, the healer asked. You glance down at your fingers, playing with the silver wedding band. Lindir stands in the corner, his eyes watching your every move. "A bird. A raven I believe." You say quietly. Lyrath nods and gets off of the bed. "I want you to rest Lady Y/n. Especially now more than ever." He nods to your small baby bump. You nod and run a hand over your stomach.

"Thank you Lyrath." Lindir says as he walks him to the door. Lyrath nods his head. "My lord, may we speak in private?" Lindir nods and ushers him out of the door. You lay back down against the pillows and fall back asleep.

Lyrath sighs and scratches the back of his head. "Lyrath what is it?" He sighs again and looks at Lindir. "I have been treating Lady Y/n since she was a small elfling. She was only twenty years old when her mother departed into the Grey Havens. Before her mother disappeared, Y/n had a dream in which her mother was hurt and rescued by her brothers. Lord Elrond knew that one of his children would inherit his gift, but I don't think that he thought it would be his youngest."

Lindir paces across the main living room of your shared quarters, his hands behind his back. "Why would she dream of a raven?" He questioned. Lyrath shook his head. "Usually it means a time of misfortune or change." Lindir nods then his eyes widen. "You don't think she could lose the baby do you?" The healer doesn't say anything. Lindir makes his way over to Lyrath and grasps his shoulders. "Please....I can't lose them both."

Lyrath brushes the Ellon's hands off of his shoulders. "I don't think you should worry. Go get some rest my lord. Your wife needs you." He says as he closes the door behind him. Lindir stands there for a few moments, until he hears a scream from your bedroom. "Y/n!" He yells and runs to your side.

You throw your arms around his neck and sob into his chest muttering your brothers name. Lindir strokes your soft hair and calms you down. "Shh it's all right. I'm here. You're safe." He says gently kissing the top of your forehead. "Would you like me to fetch Elrohir for you?" You shake your head. "No, I don't want to wake him during the middle of the night." Lindir nods and settles down next to you.

You sigh and snuggle deeper into his warmth. Lindir holds you close for the rest of the night, falling asleep after hearing your breathing slow down.

(Time skip to morning brought to you by Krispy Kreme doughnuts 🍩)

Your eyes snap open as you hear the horses outside. You sit up and glance over to your husband's side of the bed. Lindir was no where to be seen. "Lindir?" You call out. "Yes melamin?" He asks appearing from behind the door to the main quarters. You simply smile at him. "Good morning." He smiles and sits down in your side of the bed. "Good morning. Your brothers and father are going on a hunting trip this morning."

Your content smile changed into a frown as you remember the nightmare from last night. You begin to move away from your husband's grasp just as you feel a small kick. "Ah..." you hiss grasping your stomach. Lindir smiles and puts his hand on the bump. "See that's why you shouldn't move so quickly." You roll your eyes and get out of bed.

"Elladan! Hurry!" You hear a familiar voice call from outside. You go out onto the balcony and watch as your brothers prepare their horses. Elrohir sees you and waves. You give a small wave back and smile at him. Lindir joins you on the balcony, wrapping his arm around your waist protectively. "Do you think you should tell him?" You shake your head. "No. It was just a dream. Nothing for him to worry about."

Lindir nods and pulls you into a hug. You breathe in his scent as you bury your face in his robes. "I hope...."

A/n: part 2? What do you think should happen?

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