Big brother

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A/n: this was requested by AThousandWishes1000 who is amazing! Hope you enjoy Mellon! Reader is Haldir's younger sister, and she and Lindir were quite the troublemakers as teenagers.

Haldir paces back and forth across the hallway. "Where is she?" He wondered aloud. It wasn't like you to be late. You were never late, especially for important event such as him being appointed to a soldier.

Before Haldir could go look for you, the doors open revealing a disheveled young Elleth and Ellon. Haldir eyes you and Lindir suspiciously. "Do you realize what time it is?! We were supposed to meet Lord Elrond ten minutes ago." He says quite harshly. You roll your eyes at your older brother and brush past him, Lindir on your heels.

As soon as you turn a corner, both of you burst into a fit of giggles. "Did you see how angry he was?" Lindir laughs holding his sides, as they felt like they were going to burst from laughing so hard. You nod and wipe a tear away from your eyes. "It was worth it!"

As the years went on, you and Lindir fell in love, much to the annoyance of your brother. Thankfully, Haldir had been appointed to Marchwarden of Lorien along with your other two brothers, Rumil and Orophin. You missed them dearly of course, but Lindir was with you to help you get through the days. He was now the assistant to Elrond, and you were the head scholar.

One day you received a letter from Haldir, letting you know that he would be coming to visit. You were overjoyed, but you still hadn't told him that you and Lindir were engaged. Lindir saw you sitting in your shared study, holding the letter and rereading it.

"Meleth nin? What is the matter?" He asks gently placing a warm hand on your shoulder. You look up at him and shake your head. "It's nothing." Lindir gives you a look as he crouched down in front of you. "Y/n, do you really think that you can lie to me after over two thousand years of friendship?"

You roll your eyes playfully. "Nothing gets past you my songbird." You kiss his cheek and explain that Haldir was coming to visit. Lindir puts his hands behind his back and paces. "He's going to find out anyway....we might as well tell him." You sigh and wrap your arms around him from behind, placing your forehead between his shoulder blades. "I hope he will be happy for us." Lindir turns around and wraps his arms around you keeping you close. "Even if he isn't, I'll still marry you." You smile and kiss his lips tenderly. "Good."

(One week later)

Haldir smiles when he sees the gates to Rivendell get closer. He was excited to see you. It had been two hundred years since you both last saw each other. Haldir couldn't help but urge his horse on faster.

You stood at the gate and run into your brothers arms when he dismounts. "Hello little sister." He whispers in your ear as he twirls you around. You giggle and smile at him. "Hello big brother." Haldir hold you out at arms length, taking in your appearance.

"I can't believe my little sister is all grown up into a beautiful Elleth." You blush and roll your eyes. "Where is that Lindir? He was always trailing behind you." He asks glancing around. You sigh and tuck your left hand into the crook if his right arm.

"Sadly, my dear Lindir was held up by his duties to Lord Elrond." Haldir looks impressed. "That is one elf I never thought would work as an assistant." You nod. "Indeed. Lindir has changed from the young Ellon you remember."

"We'll see about that."

Later that night, you and Haldir were sitting in your quarters talking when a knock echoes through the room. You excuse yourself and go to answer the door. Lindir gives a shy smile. "How's it going?" He questions quietly. You shrug. "So far so good. But I-" before you could finish another voice joins yours.

"Ah Lindir, it's good to see you." Haldir says from his seat. Lindir stiffens slightly, becoming pale. Haldir had changed a lot physically. The last time the two Ellons had seen each other, they were teenagers. Lindir placed his hand over his heart and extended his arm in the traditional elvish greeting.

The tension in the air was definitely there. You cleared your throat and sat down opposite of your brother. Lindir sat in the chair furthest away from Haldir, but still close to you. You give him a sympathetic look. The poor elf was terrified of telling his future brother-in-law of your engagement. Actually, he was terrified of your brother in general.

"Little sister, what's the matter?" Haldir questions. You gulp and twist the ring on your finger. Lindir's eyes bulge out of his head and quickly blurts out that the two of you are engaged.

When he realizes what he said, his hand went over his mouth. Haldir stares at him in disbelief. You cover your face in frustration. "Y/n? Is this true?" Your brother asks. "Yes it is." Haldir quickly stands up and Lindir rushes to your side to protect you. "No sister of mine is going to marry an elf of Rivendell!" He yells.

Now you were angry. "How dare you! How dare you come into my home and say such a thing in front of the elf I love!" Both Lindir and Haldir look surprised at your tone. "I'm not a child anymore Haldir. I will always be your little sister, but I have to decide on my destiny." You stand beside Lindir grasping his hand.

Haldir sighs. "I know. I just never thought I'd see you both settle down together." He walks over to you and pulls you into a hug. You begin to cry as you hold onto your brother, just like you did as a small elfling when you were scared. Haldir looks into your eyes and wipes the tears away.

"I was only trying to protect you all those years. I am glad that you have decided to marry, even if it is to Lindir." He says looking at the brunette. You smile and kiss his cheek. "Thank you big brother. You have always looked out for me, and now so will someone else." You look at Lindir who gives you a smile.

Haldir releases you from his grasp and watches as you return to Lindir's arms, where you belong. "May the Valar bless your Union little sister." You nod your head to him.

"Thank you big brother."

Lindir imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin