Meeting the Company

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You were sitting on a balcony with your family when the company of Thorin Oakenshield arrived in Rivendell. Your son, Avorthal, was sitting on your lap, and your husband was playing his harp.

Lindir looks up hearing clamoring in the courtyard. He looks over at you and your sleeping son. You nod for him to go see what's going on.

Once Lindir is out of sight, you get up from your seat. Avorthal stirs slightly, and clutches at your hair. You walk back into your quarts, and put him in his bed.

When you return to the courtyard, you see a large number of dwarves, a hobbit, and Mirthandir.

Lindir looks behind him when he hears you approach him.

"Lady Y/n. It's so wonderful to see you again," Gandalf greets you.

You smile, extending your hand to him. "It's good to see you too, Mellon nin."

"I must speak with Lord Elrond."

"My Lord Elrond is not here," Lindir answers before you could.

"Not here? Where is he?"

Before either of you could answer, a horn sounds from the distance.

The company of dwarves turns around to see a number of elves on horses, charging towards them.

Lindir pulls you to his side, keeping you out of the way of the horses.

Lord Elrond dismounts and greets Gandalf. He hands Lindir an Orc sword, and you both walk back up the stairs.

Lindir carries the sword to the armory for the blacksmith to dispose of it properly. On the way to dinner, you both could hear the dwarves complaining of the food.

Your husband wasn't fond of the dwarves being here. You give his arm a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

"Relax melamin. They'll leave soon."

Lindir sighed and glanced over to where the dwarves were seated. "The sooner, the better."

You give his arm one last squeeze before taking your place behind the harp. You pluck the strings of the instrument, totally unaware of the youngest member of the company, Kili, was watching you.

Kili winks at you, and you give him a polite smile. Lindir's gaze threw daggers at the dwarf. Just then, a small figure rushed to your side.


You stop playing to pick up your son. Arwen runs in after him. "I'm so sorry Y/n. I'm afraid he got away from me."

You smile towards your best friend. "It's all right. He can eat at your father's table," you look back at Lord Elrond. "If that's all right with you, my lord."

Elrond smiled. He adored your son like everyone else in the hidden valley. "He can sit next to me. Where his father can keep an eye on him."

Lindir nods. Avorthal jumps up from your lap, and runs over to Lindir. The Ellon picks him up with ease, and sets him down in a chair that had been placed at the table.

Avorthal looks over to Thorin with big eyes. He tilts his head in wonder as he had never seen a dwarf before. "Who are you? You're the ugliest elf I've ever seen."

You nearly drop your harp when you heard those words come from his mouth. Lindir nearly faints, but he rushes forward to scold his son.

"Forgive me, my lord. He just woke up from a nap before coming down here."

Thorin laughs. "It's all right. I prefer to be called an ugly elf, rather than a fair elf."

Avorthal looks to his father with sad eyes. "I'm sorry, Ada."

You had come up to the table by this point. "Don't apologize to your Ada. You need to apologize to Thorin."

Avorthal looks to the dwarf lord. "I'm sorry Master Thorin."

Thorin gives him a small nod. "It's all right little elf."

You and Lindir exchange glances. This was going to be an interesting dinner.

A/n: this was crappy 😅

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