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You sat in the Healing Room quite dumbfounded by what you had just been told.

You were pregnant, two months to be exact.

You and Lindir had talked about starting a family, but not this soon into the marriage. You thanked the healer and walked slowly back to your chambers. You were excited of course, yet terrified at the same time.

Lindir looks up from his work when he hears the doors open. He smiles when he sees you enter. "Melamin, where have you been? I was just about to rouse a search party." he teased. You give him a slight smile and head into your bedroom.

Lindir frowns and follows you. "Y/n, what's wrong? You know you can tell me." He says gently wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. You put your hands on his, playing with his silver wedding ring.

He kisses your pointed ear. "Meleth nin..."

You sigh and wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face in the crook of his neck. Now Lindir was worried. You were never this quiet. He gives you a kiss.

"When you're ready to talk, know I will be ready to listen." He says gently before kissing your forehead. You were then left alone with your thoughts.

Later that night, Lindir was sitting in his study when his father-in-law, Lord Elrond, knocked. Lindir bowed slightly as he opened the door. "My lord, what can I do for you this evening?"

Elrond sighs as he enters the study. "I was just wanting to check on my daughter. I noticed she was very quiet tonight at dinner and didn't drink her favorite wine."

Lindir sighs. "She won't tell me what's bothering her."

The lord of Imladris nods. "Perhaps it is because she is frightened to tell you." Lindir gives Elrond a puzzled expression. "Frightened? About what?"

Elrond gives a slight chuckle. "Lindir has she been sick almost every morning?" The Ellon nods. "Yes, and certain smells make her sick."

Lindir still didn't realize what was going on. (Typical man)

"Lindir, Mellon nin, Y/n is with child."

Lindir's eyes grew wide. "How do you know this?" Elrond laughed. "Because her mother was the same way with the twins, Arwen and Y/n."

"That's why she didn't drink the wine..." Lindir realized.

Elrond nodded. "Go be with her. She needs you now more than ever."

You were standing in front of the mirror when Lindir found you. "Y/n." You jumped at the sound of his voice. Lindir immediately was at your side, holding you close to his chest.

"Oh melamin, why didn't you tell me earlier?" He whispered into your hair. You sniffle. "I was frightened how you would react. I know we talked about starting a family, just not this soon."

Lindir chuckled. "Y/n, I would've realized eventually you know." You laugh and place a hand on your still flat stomach. "Yes, I would've told you then."

Lindir laughs again. He places his hand on top of yours on your stomach, and looks at your reflection in the mirror. "We're going to be parents...." You kiss his cheek.

"That's usually what happens when two people have a baby." You tease.

He chuckles and kisses your temple. "Come nana, we must get you to bed."

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