-heart breaker-

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Timothée Chalamet.

The ultimate bad boy and heart breaker, a fuck boy who only cares about himself.

And then there was me, the only girl he hadn't had, and it was driving him crazy.

We used to be good friends, but a few years ago he just changed, out of the blue, and dumped me.

We hadn't talked ever since, mainly because I was trying to avoid him as good as possible.

I walked through the hallways of my school, trying to avoid everyone's staring gazes.

Something was up, I could feel it in every nerve of my body.

From a distance I saw Timothée lean against my locker, smirking widely.

I rolled my eyes and turned around, but not even seconds later got spun around my a large hand.

"Let me go."  I said through gritted teeth. His expression changed and his grip around my arm softened, yet he didn't let me go completely.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed, avoiding his intimidating stare as he looked down at me.

"You know exactly what I want." He stated.

I thought for a second and then I remembered again.

"You can't have me, we were over years ago. You screwed up." I commented. His face fell and he pulled my by my arm to the janitors storage area and locked the door, before backing me against the wall and trapping me in his arms.

Fucking hell, why do all the bad stuff happen to me?!

"Y/N, please let me explain." He begged, grabbing my hand with his and with his other hand forcing me to look at me.

"There's nothing to explain. You're a dick, a careless heartbreaker who only uses people for his own good. I want nothing to do with you. You're a fucking asshole and you're dead to me." I spat harshly, trying to wriggle myself out of his grip.

He was way stronger than me and he was too determined to keep me here, so eventually I gave up and stared at the ground.

"Are you done?" He asked annoyed. I rolled my eyes and nodded.\

"Look, there's a really good reason why I dumped you." I pursed my lips and snorted.

"A few years ago I started to feel more for you than just friendly feelings. It scared me, cause I thought you didn't feel the same. So I started hooking up with different girls to try and forget you and eventually I broke contact, mainly because I just couldn't handle it anymore. I regret it ever since. Even after all these years, seeing you walk through the hallways still makes my heart flutter. I want you back, because I still love you. And the past few months I've been trying to reach you, but you keep avoiding me and I'm sick of it." I was at loss for words.

"I-I'm not sure what you want me to say, Timothée." He shrugged.

"I don't know, say you forgive me and feel the same." He suggested. I shook my head.

"Sorry, I just can't. You broke my heart and I'm not ready to have you break it again." I said, before unlocking the door and walking out of the room.

I wanted him, I've always wanted him, yet I would destroy myself if I would give in to him.

"Y/N, wait!" I heard a faint voice behind me, but I pretended like I didn't hear it and picked up pace. I ran to the parking lot and searched for my car, before getting in and speeding away, leaving a broken Timothée behind.

I couldn't go home because my parents would suspect stuff. I didn't want to go to the mall, because I didn't feel like facing people.

The only place I could think of right now was the hidden spot Timmy and I used to got to whenever we felt like escaping.

I parked my car near the spot and got out, finding a place in the sun to sit and thinking about everything what was going on right now.

I looked around me, mesmerized by the beauty of the place I was. The grass was greener than green, the water of the little lake next to it sparkled in the sun and trees were hiding this area, which was mainly the reason no one knew this place existed.

I was disturbed from my peace when I heard rustling from the bushes.

I was frozen and tried to stay as quiet as possible, hoping the thing would go away.

My face fell once I saw Timothée appear with wide eyes.

"I was hoping you'd be here. I still come here sometimes, hoping you would come too so that we could meet again." He said as he walked up to me.

I didn't say a thing, ignoring his words while trying not to fall for him again.

But who was I kidding? Secretly I hoped he would say this someday, and here we were, standing in front of each other, pouring our hearts out.

"How do I know if you're speaking the truth? How do I know that you will keep your promises? Because I can't take another rejection from someone I love again. I refuse to." I stated.

He looked up at me with widened eyes as he came closer.\

"What did you just say?" I frowned, not knowing what he meant.

I thought about my words and then it hit me.

I had said I loved him, unintentionally.

He grabbed my hand and pulled my closer to him.

"Tell me what you just said. Only then I will know if it's real." I blinked at his words. Was he actually serious?

"I-I love you." I stuttered.

He smiled, kissed me for a few seconds and then pulled me even closer to his body, bringing his lips to my ear.

"I love you too." He whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

I looked at him and then wrapped my arms around his shoulders, hugging him so tightly like I wasn't gonna let him go.

And I wasn't, not again.


Cliche af, but hey, it's cute right?

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