-She Doesn't Live Here Anymore-

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My finger hovered over the button of the doorbell, softly trembling as I was torn between pressing or just leave it be

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My finger hovered over the button of the doorbell, softly trembling as I was torn between pressing or just leave it be. My rational mind came later than the movement of my body and it was done before I knew it.

Terrified to say the least, I waited until I heard some shuffling on the other side and the door opened.

I frowned at the sight in front of me. A middle aged woman, I think she might've been around her forties, stood in front of me, a warm smile on her face as she looked at me in anticipation.

Y/N lived alone from what I could remember. Although we hadn't spoken to each other in years, I'd caught a few glimpses over the time about her personal life. That was until I decided that if I wanted to get over her, I needed to let go.

That's why I could mentally slap myself for standing at her door.

''Hi, can I help ya?'' She spoke with her typical New York accent. As someone who grew up in New York myself, I was used to people speaking that way. It was only I'd expected to see and hear Y/N instead of this lady.

''I'm- is Y/F/N in?'' Perhaps she was relative member or a colleague from work, or a friend. I didn't know, but I guess I was going to find out soon.

''Y/F/N? Honey, she doesn't live here anymore.'' It felt as if my heart sank. It had taken me weeks to find the courage to look her up, only to be disappointed with news like this.

''Oh- do you know where she lives now?'' I must've sounded like a creep, but I didn't care about that as the only thing my mind was focusing on was finding Y/N.

''Are you her boyfriend or somethin'?'' Even though it wasn't any of her business, I was in desperate need of an answer.

I used to be.

Y/N and I were together for years before we broke things off. Because of my upcoming career and her education, we both didn't have time for each other anymore, which resulted in fights over the smallest things. We were both hurting and separated after a massive fight we had. We hadn't spoken to each other since.

That was two years ago and I hadn't been able to get her off of my mind. I hated how she still haunted me, even when she did nothing that triggered the mere thought of her. She made it clear she never wanted to talk to me after I'd said some pretty horrible things, and I respectively kept my distance, only hurting myself in the process.

''I'm an old friend.'' I stated. The lady scanned me from head to toe and lit up a cigarette. She offered me one, and though I normally don't smoke much, I was in desperate need of one right now. I gladly took one and brought my head closer to hers, giving her allowance to light the deathly stick.

''But she didn't tell ya she's moved?'' I shook my head fiercely, too occupied letting the smoke fill my lungs. The woman waited patiently for me to finish the cigarette. I smoked it within a record time before stubbing it out on the brick wall of her house. She didn't seem to mind that.

''Australia. I think that's where she went. Wasn't planning on coming back either.'' She pointed her cigarette at me, heavily talking with her hands when she spoke. If my heart could've literally crumbled in a thousand pieces, it would've.

''Australia?'' She nodded, this time she was the one who was busy inhaling the smoke.

''I'm sorry, hun. Do you wanna come in for a coffee and talk about it?'' She was unusually nice to someone who could've been a crazy stalker, but I wasn't complaining. Coffee and a chat with a complete stranger was something I needed right now.

''So, what makes her so special?'' By the time we'd gotten inside, she'd already lit up another cigarette, and by the smell of the heavy fog of smoke in her house, I'd say she was a pretty regular smoker. She walked to the kitchen to make some coffee and returned minutes later with two cups in her hand.

She sat down across from me and sipped her coffee, patiently waiting for me to answer.

''It were the little things about her, I guess. Small things she'd do or say that would make her stand out from everyone else. She'd be completely oblivious to it, but everyone around her always seemed to notice it. And she was kind. The kindest person you'd ever meet. She cared deeply for others, even when they didn't care about her the same way. She would always put others first. That was one of her strongest personality traits, but it was also her weakness.'' I instantly started smiling when her face appeared in my mind. Everything I said about her was true. The lady, who I didn't know the name of, smiled with me.

''And she was beautiful. The most beautiful woman I'd ever laid eyes on. Her eyes, her smile, her skin. Everything about her was flawless in my opinion, but I'm sure I shared that with others as well.''

''You make her sound like a goddess.'' The woman stated. I smiled.

''She is.'' I smiled, and suddenly I realised what I'd lost. I needed to get her back. Even if that meant travelling to the other side of the world for her. She was my life and I hadn't been complete the past two years. I hadn't been complete because she was the missing piece that made me whole again.

''I gotta go. Thanks for the coffee.''

''I figured. Find her and don't let her go again when you do.'' In the heat of the moment I gave her a swift hug before I rushed out to get my girl back.

Y/N was all I ever needed and I was going to do anything to find her and keep her.


Part two? I hope you liked the three chapter update! :)

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