-problematic dad-

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For @downside_Up_ , hope u like it!❤️


He downed his beer in just a few seconds, before he opened another beer.

Today was worse than usual. He'd been drinking way more than he usually did. And I was absolutely frightened of what he might do if I pissed him off.

I texted Timmy to ask if I could come over to his place.

He knew about my dad, but I didn't like talking about it so we'd never really dicussed this issue.

He texted back that he was coming to get me within twenty minutes.

I went upstairs to pack a small bag with some essentials for the next couple of days.

Dad wasn't going to agree with this, but who was he to decide what I should and shouldn't do? He's the irresponsible one here, not me.

After waiting in my room for what feels like forever, I got a text from Timmy which said he was standing outside.

I ran downstairs, peeked at my knocked out dad one more time before I walked outside and embraced Timothée forcely.

It was so good to have him around at times like these.

We got in his car and drove to his apartment down town.

We drove past the high buildings of New York and I examined everyone and everything like I'd never seen them before. I just needed to get my mind off of my problematic dad.

''You okay?'' He asked after a while, startling me from my deep thoughts. I smiled and nodded hesitatingly. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly, reassuring me and making me feel a little less lonely.

We arrived at his apartment and I immediatly took place on the couch, closing my eyes and almost dozing off.

Timothée picked me up, took a seat and then sat me back down on top of him, holding me really close to his body.

He kissed my cheek and wiped away a tear that had fallen from my eye.

''It's going to be okay. I'm here for you. You don't have to worry.'' He said, but it only made me cry more.

''Why do people screw up their lives like this? Why can't he see that he's killing himself?'' I was referring to my dad, but Timmy had that figured out already and shook his head.

''I don't know. If I did I would tell you, but I'm not getting it either.'' He kissed me again, but now on my lips.

''Can I stay here for a few nights? I really don't want to go back to my dad.'' He smiled and nodded, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

''Of course, you can stay as long as you want.'' I kissed him, showing how much I loved him.

''Thank you for being there for me and not leaving me when I need someone. You really are someone special.'' I said after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

''Yeah, well, I know I'm awesome. No need to remind me.'' He joked, which made me laugh. A genuine laugh I hadn't smiled in a long time.

''I'm gonna order pizza. What would you like?''

''Pepperoni please.'' Pizza sounded too good right now, and as he was talking about food I felt I was craving food very badly.

The rest of the evening we spent on the couch, watching tv, talking and making out.

At eleven pm I felt really tired and went to bed, falling asleep in Timmy's arms immediatly after laying down.


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