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This is going to be an extremely sad imagine. Be prepared...



''Remember when we used to always go out to the park on saturdays and we'd just sit there and talk for hours?'' She asked as she looked at me with her dull and lifeless eyes.

I was seated next to her hospital bed and held her hand tightly.

''I remember.'' I simply said with a small smile, as I thought back to those days.

Everything was perfect until Y/N got sick. She had leukemia and although she's tried to fight it, the decease became terminal and we knew she wasn't going to make it. It was only a matter of time before we had to say good bye.

''Can you promise me something?'' She asked in a low voice, almost unbearable for me. I brought my head closer to hers and kissed her bald head.

''Anything.'' I said, feeling a lump in my throat and trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. I had cried with her, in front of her and about her so many times, but I didn't want to waste our time crying any longer. I wanted to be strong for her.

''Promise me that when I'm dead, you'll try to find happiness again. I don't want you to be sad about me forever, I wish you'll find someone you have the same connection with as me. Can you promise me that? That you'll get happy again?'' A tear did escape my eye and rolled slowly down my cheek. She brought her hand to my face and wiped it away with her thumb.

I nodded in response, unable to speak. I kissed her again, only now longer and more passionate.

It wasn't going to be long now. I'd noticed the small changes in the way she acted. She started to become unclear and forgetting. Her mood would change from time to time, her being sometimes extremely happy and the other times just very down and sad.

''I'm really wondering what it's like to be dead. Would I notice anything? Would I wake up as a different person? Maybe I'll become a frog or something. Or a duck. Then I can fly anywhere I want to.'' She smiled widely as she imagined being a duck.

I didn't want to ruin her happiness with the fact that ducks don't fly as easily as birds. I smiled back at her, but it was more a smile of sadness.

A sympathetic smile or something.

''I think it'll all be fine. You won't feel the pain anymore, anything will be better.'' I whispered, choking on some tears and holding back my crying.

''I'll miss you, you know that right? I'll miss mom and dad. And my little brother. I'll miss my best friends. And they'll all miss me too, right?'' I nodded, now fully crying. I buried my head into my hands and I felt her hand gently stroking through my hair. I couldn't believe the fact that I was going to lose her.

I was unable to believe that I could ever be as happy again as I was with her.

''I love you, more than anything in this world. Y/N, I'm sorry for everything I've done wrong to you and I'm sorry for the things I couldn't make up to you.'' She was crying too now, and she shook her head in defense.

''Don't be sorry. Relationships are nothing if we aren't able to fight or make mistakes. We learn from it. I learned from it. I learned that I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I learned that I'm happy that I got to experience everything with you. I love you, Timmy. Always have, always will. The only thing I'm sorry about is the fact that there are so many things I wasn't able to do with you. Like marry, have kids, a house and bills to pay. Grow old together. I wish I'd got to experience that. But I found peace with it, and I'm fine now.'' She said calmly.

I respected and admired her so much. The way she stayed so calm and peaceful about all of this really made me see that she was stronger than anyone.

''I'm going to sleep now, okay? Don't go anywhere.'' She whispered as she closed her eyes.

And I didn't go anywhere.

I stayed with her when she'd wake up of the pain or sadness. I stayed with her when she became aggressive and angry about the smallest things. I stayed with her when she was unable to remember anything and anyone and all she could do was lay there and stare ahead of her.

She died on a cold but sunny Thursday around 4 in the afternoon.

Although I was sad and I felt like curling up in a ball and crying until there were no tears left, I had found peace with the fact that she was in a better place now. A place without pain or sadness.

She was probably somewhere very high in the sky, flying to the places she hadn't visited when she was alive. Watching over the people she loved and cared for.

And she wouldn't be gone completely. Whenever I'd feel like giving up, a little piece of light would rush through my body and I'd know it was her.


This was very intense. I have never written something like this and I'm on the verge of crying. But I think it's a good thing to write about something like this, because it's reality and so important to know about.

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