-Madly in Love-

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I couldn't help staring at him from across the classroom, he just distracted me too much. It was silly since I'd never stand a chance with Timothée Chalamet, but looking was still an option so that's what I tried to do without getting caught.

He wasn't the typical cool guy; in fact, his bad boy image made people stay far away from him. Everyone at school rather avoided him. That was also the reason he didn't have any friends.

And then you'd wonder why a girl like me, shy and nerdy, would fall for someone completely opposite. He was rather outgoing, but instead of socializing he pushed everyone away.

Me included.

I tried talking to him, pushing aside all my insecurities, actually giving it a shot. I failed, however, and was rejected so badly I wanted to hide in my room and never come out again.

After that I kept my distance, but when I noticed him staring at me, I gave it another chance. I picked a slow approach, carefully trying to get in contact again.

I knew he noticed me looking, but he was too cocky to look back now. I noticed a smirk on his face, and I quickly looked away, my cheeks flushing.

After class, I walked quickly after Timothée, who sped out faster than light.

''Timothée!'' I shouted. He turned around with an annoyed look on his face and his hand rested on his hip. He waited for me until I was close enough to him and I noticed he rolled his eyes. It made me very insecure and I regretted my decision to talk to him immediately.

''Uhm, h-hey. How are you doing?'' I asked, my eyes darting from his, to the floor and then back to him again. He raised his eyebrows and smiled a cocky smile.

''M'fine. Why are you talking to me?'' His question caught me off guard, not really thinking he'd actually be so fucking rude.

''I don't know. I just notice you're alone all the time, s-so I decided to talk to you.'' He rolled his eyes and took a step closer to me.

''Whatever you're doing, Y/N, it's not going to work. I don't want any friends and I'm not making an exception for you, no matter how cute you are.'' His words hurt like a knife, but at least he thought I was cute. I shrugged, not really bothering what he was thinking anymore and I walked off. Several people stared and laughed at me and I felt defeated.

I texted my one and only friend, Jasmin, telling her what happened. I knew I didn't stand a chance with him, but it still hurt being rejected like this.

It'll be fine. He's a douche. Don't take it personal.

Wanna meet up in the bathroom?

Sure, be there in a sec.

I waited in anticipation for my best friend and she showed up at our usual meeting spot within a few minutes. She hugged me when she walked in, a big smile forming on my face as my best friend comforted me.

''I just don't get why he pushes everyone away. Isn't it nice to have at least one friend?'' I questioned. It was so frustrating seeing people like this, not knowing why he'd do that. I didn't care if he didn't like me, but he was rude to everyone that came in his way and he actually had no right to.

''Just let it go, Y/N. He's just weird. Gorgeous, I'll give you that, but really weird.'' I shook my head and disagreed with her.

''I don't think he's weird. He's just closed off.'' Just before she wanted to argue me, the bell rang and we had to separate to go to class. I hugged her good bye and made my way to the classroom, immediatly spotting Timothée at his usual seat by the window. My body just walked up to him, foolishly taking a seat next to him.


''Why are you so rude to everyone?'' What was I doing? Where did these bold moves suddenly come from?!?!

An amused smile spread across his face as he turned to me.

''It's not funny, Timothée. You're always so rude to anyone who tries to talk to you and you have no reason to.'' He raised his eyebrows, then suddenly burst out in a laughing fit. The whole class looked confused, and I too was kind of caught off guard. I'd never seen him laugh and it was quite amusing.

''Y/N, you've got it all wrong. I have every reason to be rude to people. They always make fun of me, they always ditch me for others and having friends is just pointless since they'll eventually leave anyway.'' He said after he calmed down. I looked at him in confusion.

''Not everyone.'' I said defensively, taking this way to personal. He chuckled and scooped closer to me.

''You think you can break down my walls?'' He asked with a serious tone. I looked at him for a few moments, trying to find out if he was serious. When his expression changed to disappointment, I knew he meant it and I quickly restored myself.

''I can try.'' Who the hell was this and where did Y/N go? I thought to myself. I was usually never this daring, but something about him changed that.

A smirk appeared on his face.

''How about I pick you up at seven this Friday and I take you to a nice restaurant?'' I still couldn't believe he was serious, but I just played along.

''You really want that?'' I questioned with a small smile on my face. He nodded before answering.

''It's time to get out there and make friends. You're probably right anyway.'' I raised my eyebrows at his answer as I couldn't stop smiling like and idiot.

''Well, it's settled then. Dinner sounds great.'' And with that, the start of a complex relationship began.

To be continued...


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