9. Sincerely, The bystander

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I refuse to become one of those girls who scribble down their problems and what a certain guy said to them, how they felt.

I don't feel much nowadays so there's a lacking in that area but also, I refuse to fuss over a guy.

But, I think most girls tell their secrets to their best friends or something but I, er - - seem to be lacking there as well so, I guess I'll just tell you what happened.

You remember that blue eyed boy? He broke some kids nose today. I was in the crowd. His fist hit the kid so many times I lost count, my eyes were just fixated on the knuckles turning bloodier with each punch.

I am not hero. Far from actually but I don't know what came over me. I reached my hand out to grip his shoulder, I don't know what I was thinking. What could I have possibly do?

Someone, two guys bumped into me as they yelled and recorded the incident. Pushed backwards, I fell out of the circle.

I lost site of the boy until a teacher came in yelling and most fled but I was left sprawled on the ground a few metres back.

He didn't see me. He was looking at a girl who was cupping the bloody kid, her skin golden brown.

Standing up slowly, I had walked away from the incident not wanting to be involved. But No One... Something hasn't settle right within me.

It was the way he looked at her.

I didn't know it was possible to be looked at by a man like that. I see lustful, jealous, hatred directed at me. I can feel them. But, you should've seen the way he looked at her.

Seemed as if there was nothing else important in his life in that moment.

The bystander.

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