17. Sincerely, The lonely girl

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Her name is Daisy.
The counsellor, her name is Daisy.

I must say that was one of the most awkward experiences of my life. I felt sorry for the poor lady for having me as one of her students to worry about.

She smelt funny. She smelt like a late Friday night party, where night became early day quickly and a thick loneliness
fills the crowed rooms.

She smelt of weed.

"I don't need you." Were the first words I had said to her. I don't know why I had said them, they made me feel protected in some way.

"I know it's hard to speak what's on your mind but it'll be okay, Ms Neena." She had said quickly, while looking for a pen.

She asked me about myself, what I liked doing for fun and then she began to dig her long pink nail into the large cut in my 'perfect' life, she began to twist and turn, stabbing the sharp nail into the already infected cut.

She asked me about my family.

To my surprise she asked me how we ate dinner. I said we ate seperate, my father at the TV, my mother out or in her room and I sat at the dinner table alone.

She asked if I wanted someone to sit with me, if I liked the company I had when I ate.

I had said, "Daisy — Mrs Daisy, we need food to survive. We do not company to keep ticking."

I wish I could describe her face. She had just snapped her head up from her little stupid book and stared at me, her eyes holding a deep curiosity. A look too smart for her fried brain.

She saw something. Something I secretly wanted her to see. A simply cry for company. She read my lie and that was comforting.

The Lonely Girl

another chapter to celebrate
'How To Punch Soren McKinin' being fully available on wattpad.

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