36. Sincerely, I hope there is a tomorrow.

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Reny told me that my room was boring and I agreed with him. He left for a few hours and came back with those sticky, glow-in-the-dark stars thingies.

He accidentally stood on my foot while standing on my bed to stick them on my roof. We laughed until I became breathless because he had cracked my toes.

My mom came in to give me a shower, he waited in the kitchen - I think he ate a peanut butter sandwich because i could smell it on him later.

I screamed when I saw my hair on the floor or the shower. It fell out, all of it. There was just these ugly clumps now. It's so fucking ugly.

I told my mom not to let him into my room, I don't want anyone to see me like how I am now. Reny left with my mom, the women works herself into the ground.

She came home late. I can see out of my window from my bed, Reny helped me move it closer so I could see outside.

A man dropped off.
She's been fucking around since dad left.
I'm going to sleep now, see you tomorrow.

I hope there is a tomorrow.

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