23. Sincerely, I should be a poet

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Be very proud, I fixed it. I told her and everyone that it wasn't him — that it wasn't real and believe it or not, they believed me.

Oh gosh. I nearly ruined someone's life. Do you know how terrifying that is? But, at the same time I'm in shock that I could even HAVE that power.

I haven't really had power over anything in my life before, it's a weird feeling.

On a side note; we went to court again today. The bruises have healed, well the ones that can be seen have. I don't see why they don't just move out — well, I didn't until today.

My mother is challenging the prenup agreement. Meaning, she could get more then 50% of his money if it's passed and no women like her world leave when an option like that is on the table.

She played him today.
Like she promised, she let her facial bruises heal in exchange for him to keep quiet about her little romantic relationship with her counsellor. Though today, she showed the judge photos of her bruises he'd conflicted.

He told the judge of her romantic relationships but there was no proof as she said she was spending time with him for emotional support against her 'abusive husband.'

And the worst part, I was called to testify. I lied. I lied and that's a criminal offence, it makes me feel sick.

I threw my own father under the bus... I told them my mother took no part in a romantic relationship with the counsellor.

Funny how we betray the ones we love, all the damn time.

I guess, we don't mind the outcome of our actions because somewhere deep down we know someone so good as them, shouldn't have to love someone like yourself.

Just give them a reason not to love you. It's easier that way, no more disappointment.

Snow will fall,
the sun will rise,
Because no one said
we had to be loved.

Being loved isn't in the
'term and conditions' of life.

I should be a poet.

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