
22 2 0

I hate people
No one chooses the end of my life
It's my choice
Only my turn
No one threats with something like this
Where's your mind gone
I think you lost your control
Your not going to be like that
It won't feel right then
You won't get attention
Just the right treatment
You need a therapie
For those who never learn
You'll kill yourself
Don't you know
You will feel hate
Feel pain
More than the dead body besides you
'Cause life hurts more than your shoot
Words can hurt
You can take my life
But my last statment will take your life
You dont want this expirience
Belive me
It kills you
Take your breath
Your tears get lost
Only your broken parts will go on
You shattered already
Don't you get it
What ever you do
You can't change it
But let me give you a chance
Don't do that
Or you neither can go on

[For those people who think a death threat is good ʘ‿ʘ]

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