far away

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I saw you breaking down
But i couldn't help
I heard it in your voice
The scream after help
But i were too far away
I'm sorry
Now it's over
I missed my chance
You are gone
I wanted to help
I just didn't know how
But the time went by
I have a soloution now
But it doesn't matter anymore
You are gone
'Cause i were too far away
Please forgive me
I didn't know how
I can't excuse
You won't hear it
But i still need you
I still love you
I were too late
Too far away
It needed time
Now I'm here
But you are gone
I'm never gonna see you again
Just because i was me
I forgot to wear my mask
You made me love myself
But now you are gone
I feel the pain
I started to hate me again
More than ever before
Just because i was too far away
I forgot to hide my face
But you loved me how i was
The only person i needed
But you are gone now
And it's my mistake
They say i shouldn't blame myself
No one could have change it
But i know
At least i should have tried
I were too far away
The other side of earth
But i still need you
I loved you
I am lost now
You are gone
You were my hope
My star
Everything i needed
But it had to end
Just because I'm me
It's my fault
I shall blame me
I pray for you
Hopefully you feel good right now
Where ever you are
What ever you do
I'm sorry
I always loved you
The problem is that i still do
So i made an end for myself
The first time my mask will fall
Only because i was too far away
I'm still
But i can endure it now
I can't change the past but my future
I won't forget you
Even it hurts
You are the memory that helps me out of  reality
Please forgive me
I exceeded the border now
I'll try to help
Never to miss my chance again

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