empty mind

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It's my fear
But at the same time my biggest desire
A decision
Which could be the worst I've ever made
But it's passion
That never can be fulfilled
I cry about myself
I'm never gonna be the person
I always wanted to see
My biggest pain
My tears never gonna change anything
My words are my last weapon to fight
But you think i lie
You said i would be kidding
Never took it serious
That's what kills me
I don't know how to express
Why shall i go on
When giving up is so easy
Just a free fall for the dark
But no
I'm here
I endure the stupid words from the people
I endure myself
I never thought i would think like this
But i can't change it anymore
Maybe i just don't want to
I already gave up
I don't know what it is
I searched a sense
But I've lost me
It's a long journey
But i already lost my way
I lost all i had on my mind
My mind got an empty place
Where once was a happy world
My feelings fade
It's anger
Nothing seems good

I really wanna leave
But every place is the same
So I'm caught
Can i still go
I need a way


[You created a world for you
But forgot those
Who never gonna do such things like you 《For the boy who thinks he owns this world b*tch LEAVE😊]

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