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I lost my dreams
I gave up my freedom
To be human like them all
I stopped overthinking
Tried to act like them
I screamed
All to be accepted
To find someone
I tried to lose my loneliness
But everything I changed threw me back
It held me back
My fantasy fights with the world I'm in
The reality that claims it's normal
The people who think it's normal
To force
To judge
I tried to be like them
Allegedly a human
But I hated myself
I'm maybe not better
But I don't hurt people
I don't force them
I don't threat them
I don't judge them
I try to protect the freedom the last ones have left
I try to fight the reality
With the last colors i find

[In my opinion people aren't like 'humans'.
But maybe I am wrong and 'humans' are exactly like this , because it had never been different.
They judge , force , threat, fight and so on.
Things that are completely senseless if you just take a few minutes to look at each other and try to understand them.
Cause if you do that , you will see that they are like you, that they fear the same and like the same.]

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