feeling the same

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There are days we're all feeling the same
It's like we know each other for one day
And then our ways are seperated and each one goes away

We're feeling the same today
But you don't know me
And I don't know you
We crossed over the same street
All I saw were your tired eyes
A short flashing glance as you looked in mine
and saw you aren't alone
A short stare and we are strangers again
That's what life is?

It goes on
Life goes along
All we're doing is creeping to the end of our time
The end of this life

Your tired eyes
The hopeless smile
How far did we went
That everyone is feeling down
Who still says it feels like he's alive?

Today we're feeling the same
But no one ever speaks out about their hidden feelings
No one is interested , that's how it seems
But what is if I tell you that everyone is a little despaired from time to time
Hopeless and depressed
Day by day

We're feeling the same
At least today
We're not alone
Even though it feels like this world is cruel and you must manage it on your own

Today's another day we kept our mouth shut and said we're fine we're ok
What's going through our minds?
Did people really become so emotionless that we think no one understands?

I promise I'll listen
I promise not to let you go
Just promise me to trust me
I don't wanna lose you
I don't want you to hurt yourself
Feeling despaired
Feeling like no one will listen
Feeling hopeless , feeling alone

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