you and me

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I know you didn't say anything
But still it seems like every thought of yours is obvious for me
Each of your expressions is like art for me
You alone seem so clear and pure to me
I can predict each of your moves
Since we began to move along
We became one rhythm
One thing
We are day and night
Together but seperated all the time
One goes first the other one comes next
We know as the best
Better than anyone else
Like moon and sun
Normal and special
Alone together
Or together alone
We fill out our hearts
Each of us got a part
We can be different
But opposites are the same just turned around
Black and white
Past and future
Things that only exist with both
And when our time is over
I can say we both were happy and never left each other
What ever will happen
I'll be by your side
I try my best to hold you thight
You know I am lost without you
And I know you fear to be alone
Hold me like I hold you
And no one of us will ever be alone

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