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I gonna take a break right now
One day I will fight again
But now I will heal myself
My broken wings
So I will fly again
I need to see some colours
So that my black heart can start to shine again
I became a dark angel
Who couldn't see the lights
It's easy to hurt people
But hard to take care
It was easier to be the devil
Than to care about their feelings
I loved to pretend that I don't know about you
I was evil
The devil
I love hate
But I hated myself
The hate was my reason
To be like this
An devil in every kind
Kindness had been fantasy
It changed to reality
There's a difference between dark and light
The one you choose to like
I brought darkness to the sky
Now it is a balance
A small part
Too easy to exceed
Take care
Or you will fall down
Into the deep
Like me

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