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I admit it.
Living is hard.
I made myself a promise.
Living it from the start.

I chose a colour day by day.
First yellow, then orange.
It reminded me of the sunrise.
Maybe a little bit darker?
A sunset would be nice.
Let it turn into red.
But all these colours are lost and nobody knows their place.

I lost my stare on another picture.
Black , it seems to fit.
But my heart says it's not dark enough for this cruel world.

The sunrise ,replaced by sunset.
It becomes darker like everything else.
From day to night , without time.
The colours of life ,the colours of myself.

Orange ,blue and green.
They're black , they're lost.
There's no way back.

We're lost in the dark.
Which thing does still shine bright?
My eyes lost their sparkle.
I hoped I'd find it by one another ,but all eyes I see , there's barely one with happiness in their face.
With a true smile on their lips.

We're all lost like the light.
All we do is trying to shine bright.
We want to be better than anyone else but it ends in a fight.

How humans talk about humans and their behave.
The rules you made ,the laws you set.
Heplfull but only for a limit , a certain state of mind.

All I see is black and white.
They complete each other but aren't complete.
Yellow, white ,black ,blue ,pink,....
They're all the same ,they just try to fit.

Can't you see.
We paint our world black without even noticing it.
Your glasses are coloured , you don't see the truth.
But if you once lose them , don't say you didn't know.

The promise I made.
Is to paint this world colourful again.
The colours will be bright, so everyone can see how bright each one can shine.

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