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Again and again
I get chance to be blamed

Again and again I lost you a little more

Again and again I am the fool in the end

Again and again I hate the world ,it's pain

Again and again
I am losing myself
And all the time I am telling you this
The happenings around the world tore me apart

Again and again
Every single time
I try not to cry
And then I break down
With the world in my hands

How could I ever stop this?
There's no need to try
Actually it doesn't matter ,'cause like you all ,I will die

I don't know why I am not just living along with the time
With each new part I reach in my life

Why am I even affected
I am here
I am not in danger

Again and again
It feels like the world gets out of control
But who am I to decide who is supposed to play which role 

Again and again
Being dead seems more alive than being alive
Again and again
I try to escape from the people
But in the end I can't live alone

I'd love to tell you how to do better
But no one listens
And if they do ,they're not the ones I want to address

Again and again
My despair is my best friend
Again and again
Circle of days
Weeks of work and then maybe the end

Again and again 
The question of being who I am
Again and again
The midnight thoughts accompany me to sleep

Again and again
Drunken and lost
Again and again sentences full of nothing
Everything is like a void

Again and again
My sight of future is destroyed
Again and again
I am thinking 'bout who I'll be

Scenarios of the worst in my head
I fear life and being dead

Again and again
I get to know I am just who I am

Again and again
Another day another end

Again and again
Wasting time like I am the master of it

Less or more

I am here but not my thoughts

Again and again
Finding a way to get the time lass by
To find a way to live life

Again and again
Everything will have an end

Again..and again
No more time to think about my regrets
Again and again
Gaining knowledge
Being motivated

Again and again
Good morning , sleep well

Again and again
I can't stop , I can't live on
I am just here to describe how I see the world

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