dancing with a dead soul

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Fog is in the gras
Midnight hour, scary stars
I see a blue flame
A dead soul trying to shine
I hear its insane laugh
"I once was yours ,you lost ,you fool!"
Breaking down
"Let us dance , it's our last hour"
It takes my hand
Dancing with the dead soul that claims to be mine- "Wrong , I WAS and you made me die"

'I never meant to let you down'

"You always did , you never knew"

'But what did I do? To lose myself ,to lose you?'

"You gave up , you never believed. You were jealous, never tried to make yourself rise"

I choked,  it was right

"Just forget it ,it's the end" music began to play
Slowly we made step by step
I looked at the blue flame

'Can't I have a second chance?'

"But what will you change?"

I lowered my head
'Everything I guess'
It softly pushed my head back higher

"Everything is not meant"

'But I am nothing if I am who I am'

It shook it's head

"Again ,believe in yourself and you'll win"

I let go off its hands , going down to sit on the gras

'You're right , I am lost. I don't know how to go on'

"But if you give up ,you missed another chance-you avoided it again"

I nodded 'I know'

"Give me your hands ,one last dance ,before you go again"
I got tired like I was before, life is making us dizzy and we know

And as I woke up
Alone in my room
With another chance to find myself
Still lost
But with a clue.

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