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I should learn to live here and now
Try to think 'bout my own life
Try to survive the daily fight
I am different
Even when it comes to plan the future
I shouldn't think about others life
Should try to enjoy here and now
But I can't
I can't ignore how the time goes by and makes me struggle even more
I am insecure
Try to find advice by you
And I know everything has an end
I should try to live now
In every second
But the fear of the future won't leave my mind
It makes me insane
It's pain
I suffer
My thoughts are painted black
If my tears were blood
I had bleed to death a long time ago
I can't even handle my sense of rebellion
I'm gonna trade
My time
For an sort of kindness
Time makes me become cold
But that's just the beginning
'Cause there's too much time left
I dunno how to go on
But let's see what happens if I go on
A scar on my wrist that can't be unseen
A lovely thing that promises to leave me
But not now
And as long as I am alive
I have to live with the fear to lose you

[I guess time is something i fear the most.
Either i have enough or too less xD
And all the things that could happen all the time..]

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