black water

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Standing in front of the black sea I drowned in
Seeing the ghost of mine
How could I get so lost
I thought I can swim
But the sea
The ocean of tears 
it pulls you down
Deep down
In the dark hole of time
You think you did it to your own
But the black water knows its power
You're supposed to survive , to win the challenge
Only then you can be alive
The dark sea drowning people in tears
The ocean of pain
Makes you forget the precious things
Makes you forget yourself

Water to survive
Poison for your soul
Black water , the wolf in sheep clothes
Pretending to heal your heart
Black water you can't see through
Full of lies everyone has told
Ocean of tears
Master of masks
Black water reflecting what you wished to have
Black water
One taste and you're addicted
The only thing left
It becomes your tears

Ocean of tears
Ocean of pain
Reflecting the black
Makes it seem like it's your fault
Like it's your everyday

But if you're trying to get along
Be the one who has it under control
Being ruler of the black water
But it never works
The black water is your thoughts
Black like the dark night when nothing shines
Black at day and in the night
Drown in your thoughts
But don't go down
If you learn to breath under water
It can be dangerous for your own
Living with these thoughts
Poison in your mind
The black water did it's job
Another one who unlearned to swim
Another one lost in negative vibes

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