"what are you doing?"

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"What are you doing?"

I am trying to live life
Some days I just wanna die
Some days living seems precious
And some days I am just feeling fine

I try to understand myself
I try to understand all the others
If you sum it up I try to understand the world

I am here I am not
My thoughts wander
My perspectives do aswell

I listen to music
I am happy
I cry

Actually what I am doing is not much more besides watching life

I run
I creep
Slowly and fast
It seems like a game
A game 'lose lose' or 'win win'
But I can't even get one for a day

I am feeling good when I am far away from all these problems

Seeing the rising Sun and how it sets again
Just watching a blue sky as it begins to be colourful again

Listening to a bird
Watching how it flyis
It seems so easy to feel light

I am simply watching life
I know I can't understand this phase

I fight with myself

'What you did was good ,it was right
But on the other hand
You were wrong ,nothing is right'

I am watching the stars
Listen to a new song
Calm and relaxing
I think about the singer's words

Actually they make no sense
Just like mine
Even if we don't know
We use the same senseless form of rhyme

Driving back home
Seeing all the houses and the people who are in
They eat
They Watch tv

And what do I do?
I am thinking

I am just watching life
My favourite thing

Its like reading a book
A new day a new page
But the words have to be written by myself
I can't fill the chapters

How shall I fill this book?
But the days fulfill themselves
I am just sitting there
Being confused
How to go on?

My words will be:

'The girl who sits  and stares into nothing.
She thinks she knows a lot but knows that she knows nothing.
The girl watching life , but she's not even  anymore trying to make it right.
She just stares and thinks- 'everything somehow has a sense.'

I am just trying to live life

-"nothing much and u?"

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