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I wanna do something special
But how shall i do this when I'm just an ordinary person
How shall I reach the stars
When I can't even fly
When I never learned it
It's hard enough to stand up
How shall I create something so impressive
I won't change myself
To be like you
But it's hard to be successful as myself
It's hard to stay real
How can I know that I wasn't wrong all the time
It's so confusing
Is it really what I want
Is it something I can reach
But it will ever be me
Just the ordinary person I have always been
My creations
can they really become so good
Can I really impress myself
Then all I ever believed is that I'm like all the others
Even I'm not
I have to choose
All the time
But the result is nothing that could help me see through all the pain
It's always something I regret
It's confusing
I feel like I'm wrong in this world
I don't belong to this place
But that's just a thought
I'm like all the others
Someone who is ordinary

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