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You say it's fake
Do you mean the freedom in this world?
It's one of the reasons why we fight
Why we die inside
What do you mean
Freedom trough weapons
Love although you still lie to me
You still don't accept everyones love

A duty to fight
You force me to go
I force you to open your eyes
We live in the 21st century
Stop it
I lose my sense for life
Stop it
Oh stop

I need a break
I need a break from this world
I hate it
The feeling to be weird
It chases me
Stop it
Pleas make it stop

Make me stop breathing
One of your easiest habits , right?
You say I'm too young to understand
But you dont understand what freedom means
You made me fight to feel alive
Fight to still feel free
You started a fight for me
I began to fight against myself
Where shall i go
I dunno
I really don't know
I can't escape

You told me
There would be an easier way
Shall i try? Or do you finally give me a reason to stay?

[Freedom. Peace. I dunno.

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