Adam + Chase

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In this AU Chase and Adam aren't related, they're just friends from school. Chase is out of the clossed already. No bionics in this AU

Chase POV
I'm 18 years old, the typical bullied nerd. And standing over there is Adam Hal, the hot guy all the girls fall for. And me. I was so stupid to fall for Adam. He pretends to bully me every day, but secretly we're friends. Just friends.
"Hey shortie," Adam says, coming over along with his friends who are laughing at his lame joke. I look at him, he looks back and I can see regret in his eyes. But he does laugh with the rest. All I do is walk away, to my next class. Until I hear a very fimiliar voice behind me.
"Chase! Wait up!" Adam yells and I stop walking. "I'm sorry," he continues, looking at his feet. "It's okay, I get it you have a reputation to uphold," I say trying to make him feel less sorry. "A reputation I don't need to uphold," I mutter under my breath so he can't hear me. "What?" He asks. "Hm? I didn't say anything, I say hoping he would believe me. "Anyway, I'll make it up to you. Icecream?" Says Adam. "Yeah," I respond to his offer. We stare into each others eyes, silently. Until the oh so annoying bell rings, telling us we need to go. "See you after school, Chasey," Adam says walking away. He always calls me Chasey when no one is around. I like it when he does. I like every moment we spent together with just the two of us. Why did I just had to fall in love with the popular straight guy.

My last lesson just ended and I was waiting behind the school for Adam to come. It's our secret spot.
"Hey," I hear his soft voice from behind. "You scared me," I exclaim turning around swiftly. "I know," he answers with a grin growing on his face. I suddenly hear Trent's voice just around the corner. Adam hears it too, judging from the worried look appearing on his face. He pusses me into some alley next to me, against the wall. He's now very close to me, but he doesn't seem to care. He knows I'm gay so this is kinda weird. We hear Trent's footsteps die and Adam slowly lets go of me. We look at each other for a while until he steps out of the alley. "He's gone, I think," he says looking around to check. "That was close, really close," I say. "What? How close I was standing to you?" Asks Adam. "No!" I exclaim, "How close was to finding us," I quickly add. He laughs at me, "Yeah," he says. "It's kinda fun sneaking around," he says grinning widely. "Until we get caught, " I say. He nods and we walk over to the Icecream shop. Once we arrived we ordered two of their biggest icecreams. We we're just settled when he started talking.
"So Chase, how was your day?" He asks. "Normal," I say. "I'm sorry," he says guilty. "For what? I don't have any friends," I say. "You have me," he says. "That's why you shouldn't be sorry," I say eating my icecream. "You got some icecream there," Adam says pointing at my cheek. I try wiping it away, but fail judging to his face. "Here, let me help you," says Adam while reaching out his arm. He strokes my cheek to clean it, but still, it felt awesome. He smiles at me, still with his hand on my cheek. "Thanks," I shyly say after he removed his hand. "No problem," he says and we both continue eating our icecreams.
After we finish we leave, Adam offered to walk me home. We talk a little about stuff like school, as we see Trent and his football junkies, they're coming our way. Again, Adam pushes me in an alley. We always just happen to be standing next to one when needed. He's standing exactly like earlier today, a little bowed over me. Trent and his friends pass without seeing us. But this time Adam doesn't move. He just looks at me, mixed emotions in his eyes. Both of his hands are pressed against the wall next to me. He slowly leans in. I feel his soft lips brush mine, like he's asking for permission to actually kiss me. So I give him, by pressing my lips against his. He immediately reacts and starts kissing me back. After a while I can feel him biting my lip, asking for permission to enter. U let him. His tongue enters my mouth and explores every single inch. He hands slowly lift my shirt a little and he runs the all over my chest. I don't stop him. I don't even want to stop him. He pusses me into the wall a little more. I can feel his boner through his pants and he breaks the kiss to look down. "Shit," he says laughingly. He looks up again to see me grinning. "I'm sorry," he says. "Don't worry about it," I say pressing my lips against his again. "I should go home now," I say, grabbing my back and jacked before walking out of the alley. Leaving Adam standing there.

"I'm home!" I yell once entering the door. "Where have you been love?" Tasha asks. "You missed dinner," she continues. "Don't worry I'm not hungry," I say before going up to my room. I had to wait for like half an hour to let my boner dissappear. I can't believe Adam, THE Adam Hal, kissed me in an alley.

Adam POV

I did it. I finally kissed Chase. I've had a crush on him for ages now. I have not come out yet, to anyone for that matter. But now that I've kissed Chase I'm pretty sure he knows I'm gay. I've known it since I met him. I just can't tell my so called friends, they'll make fun of me like the make fun of him. But I can't hide forever. Besides, I've gotta talk to Chase anyway. He'll probably ask me if I like him, I can't lie to him, can I? All I want to do right now is kiss him again, not caring about the world around us. Like we did in that alley. I mean, Trent could've come back. Literally anyone could've walked in on us making out. But I didn't care. I felt like I was finally me, the real me.

Chase POV

I dreamed all night about Adam, will he talk to me today? Will he tell me it was just a mistake? That I'm just a gay kid? That he needed a distraction? Or did he do it because he lost a bet? Maybe it was a bet? The only way to find out is to talk to him.

The bell rings, telling me the end of the day has finally come. I walk over to my locker so I can get my stuff and head home. I pack everything I need and am ready to leave as I see a not laying inside of my locker. "Meet me at our secret place" it reads. That can only be Adam. Who else do I share a secret place with? I smile at the tough he wants to talk to me. This can be either good or bad. Probably the last one.
I walk over to our secret spot, to find Adam standing against the wall. I approach him silently, "Hey," I say in a creepy voice, making him jump a little. "Now I get why you always scare me," I say laughing. He smiles at me. "Nice one, I give you that," says Adam. "Why did you want to meet me here?" I ask, breaking the ice. "It's about yesterday, you see-" I cut him of. "We can just forget about it," I say, predicting what he was planning on saying. "I won't tell nobody," I assure him. "Actually, I don't want to forget," he says avoiding my gaze. "What?" I ask a little confused. "I toughed you were straight," I say. "So did I," he says, lifting his head up so I can see his eyes. "But I haven't been straight since I met you," says Adam, finally meeting my eye again. "Wait, you've had a crush on me all this time? Me? Chase Davenport?" I say in disbelieve. "Yes, I've always had a crush on you, Chase Davenport," says Adam.
"Great, cause I have a crush on you too," I shyly say. He leans in a little closer and I lean in as well. Our lips meet in the middle, connecting into a passionated kiss. Before I know it I'm pressed against the wall. "You like to have the lead, don't you?" I say as he starts to kiss my neck. "Yeah," says Adam before finding my sweet spot. He sucks my sweet spot making me hold a moan in. I can't risk anyone hearing us. "Adam, what if someone sees us?" I say. "Then they do, I don't care," he says continuing to kiss my neck, this time I can't hold my moan and let it go. "Sorry, I didn't mean to," I quickly say, stops kissing my mouth. "I like you Chase, it pleases me you enjoy what I'm doing, so please, don't ever apologies for something like that," says Adam. "Promise," he orders. "I promise," I say before he pulls me in for another kiss. "I love you Chase," Adam says, looking me in the eye. "I-I love you too Adam," I say.

A little Chadam for you guys. Pls request something cause I got no ideas left. And without ideas I can't write, so yeah.
Word count: 1648

Bye rats Xx T

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