I'm not a baby! pt 2

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I remember someone requesting this. Can't remember who sorry!

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Love also implied

Chase POV

It's been two weeks since I ran away. I'm allowed to do more on my own now, yet I'm not as free as Bree and Adam. Hell even Leo! Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I'm the weakest. I'll be fine on my own.

"Okay guys, there is a new school year starting and you're allowed to attend," a huge smile creeps to my face as the words exit Mr Davenport his mouth. "Except for Chase." Of course I'm not allowed to go, how could I get my hopes up like that.

"Why aren't I allowed to go?" I ask even though I know it won't change anything.

"It's just to dangerous! First off you have your commando app, I can't fully trust you with that. Besides that, you also are only sixteen. High school is a battlefield! I can't let you go there." What a ridiculous explanation!

"Spike hasn't shown his ugly face in a long time, I can handle him. Also, why can you sent Adam, Bree and Leo to school but not me?" This time I'm not buying it, it's time I do something about this.

"They are older than you are, they have more life experience."

"Bullshit! We all lived in the same fucking basement!" I was really starting to get angry now.

"Language!" (Omg Cap! Jeezzz I wanne see Endgame so bad)

"Adam shut up!" I yell at him before I run away so that Spike doesn't decide to show.


"Chase?" I hear him call but simply don't answer.

"Chase are you in here?"


"Chase I can see your foot."

"What do you want Mr Davenport?"

"I just wanted to apologise, I shouldn't treat you differently. It's just their powers are more focused on physic, while yours is mental. They know how to defend themselves, how can you?"

"I can fight! I don't need to be super strong or fast to just fight. I can kick and punch someone, you've seen me train, I'm fine defending myself."

"You're right I'm sorry. You'll be attending school as well." This made a smile to my face. I'm gonna go to school! I quickly hug Mr Davenport before heading off to bed.
"Welcome students, yeah that's it." That is definitely a strange way to welcome new students, but I'll take it.

We're all attending our first day of school now. Gotta say, it's amazing.

Who's that? There's a girl standing by one of the lockers, she's beautiful. A red dress covering her body up to her knees. She's holding on to her books, fingers desperately clutching onto the blue cover of her book. Wonder why.

There's a guy walking up to her, she seemingly tenses up even more. "Hey Kells," the guys says with a flirty tone. It makes chills go down my spine, and it looks like the same goes for her. "I told you before, do not call me Kells," she says, voice barely audible. "What?" He asks, his voice sounds somewhat creepy. 'Kells' keeps quiet. "What?!" The way his voice rose scares her. "I want to be called Kelly," she says hesitantly.

His hand grips her wrist tightly, I want to punch him so bad.

"Listen to me," he whispers in her ear. I'm using my bionics to listen. The others seem to notice I'm looking at the two, they follow my gaze and watch the scene play out.

"You," he continues, "you are a slut, my slut. You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do. I'll call you whatever I want to call you, I really couldn't care less what you want. If I want to call you Kelly, I would've called you Kelly. You are mine, my toy. I can do whatever I want to you."

I can feel myself boiling with anger as I see a tear slide down her beautiful cheek. I don't even care whether I'm going into commando mode or not, no girl deserves a treatment like that.

Those were my last thoughts before I let him take over. I let Spike out.


I open my eyes to see Adam's looking straight into mine, while I'm pinning him to the ground. I quickly get up and look around.

A couple of chairs are spread around the room, there is Kelly and the guy standing in the corner. Fear is all over their faces.

"What happened?"

Bree answers. "You went all Spike mode on that guy, whatever he was telling her, pissed you off to no end." Well that is true.

"What happened?" The girl, Kelly, spoke up.

"Don't talk to those freaks," the guy yells at her.

"Maybe you shouldn't talk to her!"

"Chase, calm down."

"Don't worry Bree. I just wanne tell him he's wrong."

"You don't get to tell me what to do!"

"And you don't get to tell what to do!"

"Stop!" We now all look wat Kelly.

"You know what," she says to the guy, I believe his name is Trent. "I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore." In response he slaps her across the face and stamps of.

I rush to her side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," she says looking me in the eye. "Thanks for helping me stand up to him."

"No problem, he doesn't deserve you." She kindly smiles and walks away.

That's when Leo decides to speak up, "Dude, she's the head cheerleader. You just actually talked to her." I just flash him a smirk before going to class.


Luckily Mr Davenport let me go to school. Where I could see her again. We've been talking a lot lately, I kinda like her. Right now we're standing in the parking lot, out of sight from anyone. Quite close to each other.

We were just staring into each others eyes as I slowly lean I'm,  our lips meet on the middle and move in sink. We break apart.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, Chase. I would love to."

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