Other Dimensions part two

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There will be a part three!

Dead silence, you could hear a pin drop. The dusty warehouse, used as an transport center of food and light weapons, was now filled with rebels. Chase being one of them. He sat, hiden behind a barrel. He was armed with a knife, while some others had guns. He inhaled sharply, letting his that itch at the muffed air entering his airways. They were with ten, the people guarding the load were with fifteen. All armed. But the rebels had one thing the gunman didn't, the element of surprise.
The plan was easy: take the cargo and leave, lose as less people as you can. Stay save. Don't improvise.
Right now, they were waiting. Waiting for the right moment. He looked at the current mission leader, a boy. Older than Chase, he was wearing ripped black clothing but in a world like this, that decription fits nearly anyone. Mel wasn't there, she had to stay back.
This relieved some of the pressures on Chase's shoulders, everyone had come to terms with his presence, except for Mel. Not having to prove himself was calming.
His eyes were still focused on the boy, waiting for the slight wave his hand will make as a sign.
Finally, the guy his fingers moved as he raised from his previous hiding spot, aiming his gun. All the others came to life in an instant, Chase followed their movements. Experience was clearly seen in their way of attacking.
It went smoothly, the man were to shocked to pull the triggers immediately, but they soon recovered.
It all went so fast. The boy, standing in open fire, made a weird movement, before sinking down to the floor.
Chase knew helping him now was stupid, gunman first.
Holding his knife steadily in his right hand, he charged himself at the first man he could find, he landed the knife between his ribs. The man screamed in pain as he fell down. Chase didn't hesitate to grab his gun and fire at the other men.

Soon enough the men were all down, one of the rebels had taken a bullet in his arm. The other injury was the boy he saw getting shot. The bullet was in his chest, but he lived. For how long? Chase couldn't exactly tell.
That's when he regognized him, he was their mission leader. Now there was none.
"Take him to the van, we need to hurry!" Chase ordered as he ran for the van, hoping the keys were still there.

The boy had been placed on the inside of the van, Chase entered the back. "You drive. You and you, stay with me. The others walk back." Chase threw the keys at the girl up front as the others took on their tasks.

The van started moving, as fast as possible with the bumpy roads and the injured man in the back. Chase placed his hands at the rim of his shirt, moving them from their previous spot at tge wound. The other two man followed his movements as they both held one arm of the lying man, keeping him as steady as they can in the moving van. Tge sound of ripping filled the small space as Chase used his dirty hands to rip part of his shirt off. He used it as a bandage, pressing it firmly on the wound hoping it would stop the bleeding. It was not long to the opposition anymore, but would it be short enough? Chase didn't know. The wound kept bleeding and bleeding, blood flowing from the exposed flesh as the man lay there groaning in pain. The blood was a dark red substance, the more it flowed, the more life was drained out of this man. Who's bravery might just end up being his end.

Tge car came to a stop, one of the boys pushed harshly against the metal door. It flew open. Some people were standing behind the van, curious about its cargo. They looked shocked and sad as they saw the scene playing out in front of them. One man, lying there so lifeless he could just be dead. Three man by his side. Blood everywhere. They knew this happened on a mission, still. "Get him out of this van, you both take one arm while I hold his legs," Chase commanded while moving to grab the two legs. They carried him out of the van, into the hospital. A strategically placed part of the compound. It was close to the entry, making it easier to transport injured to it. The so called hospital excisted of a dozen of rooms, each having one bed and a table containing some medical equipment. Chase ordered the man to place the barely living one on tree he bed.

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