Other dimensions part 4!

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Wattpad deleted the entire first part of this chapter! Fcking amazing! So I had to start all over again...
Sorry it's shorter.

But it's definitely interesting ;)

Please leave your opinion about this story! It really means a lot to me.

Requests are still in progress for those who are waiting!!! ;)

"No miss, we don't know," the medic said as he shook his head with sympathy, his eyes sad.

"Well aren't you supposed to!" Mell knew she wasn't being fair, Chase's anatomy is different than a normal human. At least she thinks it is.

"Miss, we aren't schooled to be perfect doctors, we just don't know whether he'll be okay! Just let us do what we can." Mel turned around and headed for the waiting area, the tears in her eyes threatening to fall. Robin was there, he lifted to his feet as soon as he saw her. He knew her to well, he was able to spot all the little details in her behaviour, he saw how much she actually cared for the boy whose life was on the line. He also knew how much she hated hospitals, just the atmosphere hanging low in the air. Death circling them like mist in a field. She hated it.

When Robin heard about the mission and its casualties, he had rushed to the hospital. He knew Mel needed him. So here he was, arms open as an invitation as Mel moved her body into the room. She immediately threw herself at him, longing for the caring warmth.

"Hey," Robin whispered in her ear as he slowly moved his hand along her spine. "He'll be okay, he's strong." Mel had started crying and once the first tear made his way over her cheek, the dam broke. She couldn't stop it, and secretly part of her didn't want to. It felt good to be vulnerable, she hadn't been like that for to long.

"He-he he was... He-" she sobbed into his shoulder. "It's okay, it's okay." She just kept crying, she can't remember when she cried like this, ever.

"Mel? Can I ask you something?" His voice was soft like he didn't want to awaken something inside of her.

"Yes," she answered, despite not wanting to talk about anything. She shouldn't have such emotions.

"What were you and Chase? I mean together?" She knows she owns him some kind of explanation, she normally isn't as effected when someone dies. Not that she's heartless or anything, she just learned how to cope with it. It was her job, as leader, to be strong and to keep going.

"I don't know, we were nothing. Not even friends I think. But I care about him, Robin. I really do. And I haven't even told him that, I never will," she was surprised by the answer she gave. She hadn't even admitted such feelings to herself, let alone to someone else, not even someone as close to her as Robin. But it felt good, it felt safe.

"You'll, when he wakes up. But you have to promise me you'll tell him. I get the feeling he thinks you hate him." And he had all right, she treated him like a bag of dirt.

"Mel! Mel, they're done with him." A girl, named Emilia ran through the doors. The paramedics had told her Mel was waiting for Chase in there.

"Done? What do you mean done?"

"Oh! I'm sorry! He's stable, they think he might survive." Relieve flooded her body as these words were spoken. He was not dead. Yet.

Days passed, Chase still hadn't opened his damned eyes. He was fast asleep and did not respond to anything, no one knew why he was in a coma but at least his heart was beating. Mel visited him at least once a day, for the past two and a half weeks. If she could, she would be by his bedside for the entire day and sleep on the floor. But she had duties, she was still the leader of the opposition. It was her task to make sure everyone was doing their jobs. Make sure everyone was safe. Her own feeling should not affect the quality of her leadership.

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